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I decided to keep it SebaCiel bc all u guys wanted me to , I posted another story about AloisxCiel plz go check that out and enjoy.

I woke up very cold, I open my eyes to see no Sebastian on the other side if the bed also no covers. I head downstairs in only my pants to see where Sebastian is.

What I see surprise me a boy with Raven like haur just like Sebastian is sitting on my couch and he's talking to Sebastian the anger in me builds up as I walk into living room.

Me and him lock eye contact as the boy stands up " Hi im Claude" Claude sticks out his hand shaking it with mine.

"Sebastian says so much about you" The anger rises even more as Sebastian takes my hand in his and pulls me upstairs.

"What the hell, who is that guy?" I whisper trying not to get Claudes attention. "He is a friend we go way back, I invited him over because he also didnt have a ride" that pissed me off even more.

"Love, dont worry I will never trade anyone for you and Claude is not gay" that brightened me up. I pulled Sebastians lips to mine, I hear a gasp Claude is standing right behind me. "Sebastian your gay?" he screams.

Sebastian looks shocked and says "Yes and I love Ciel with all my heart and if you dont like it then that sucks" My heart is filled with joy and love

I decided to end it here I thought it would be cute for Sebastian t confess his love, goodbye my KITTENS

High School (Sebaciel fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz