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I woke up in Sebastians arms around me. He started to get get up but I dont think he knew I was up. Sebastian walks over to the bathroom and I follow. "BOO" I yell hopefully scaring him but he just turns around and says "You have to on do better than that love".

I sigh getting ready for school and remembering I have to show that girl Lisa around today, but I dont like to see Sebastian so mad and jealous besides I don't even really like that girl.

We arive at school with Sebastians hands in mine.Lisa walks up to me and I can see Sebastians hole mood change into hate. "Can you still show me around today, I asked the teacher and she said if we are late then it will be fine"

"Ya sure" I lean up to Sebastian for a goodbye kiss but he pulls his head away. I feel broken and pull my hand out of his.

I walk away with Lisa starting to show here around,as we arive to the cafeteria she says out of the blue "So are you and Sebastian dating"

"Ya but he gets mad when I talk to you" I reply "Would you ever swing for the other team if you know what I mean?" Lisa asks.

Before I can say anything I feel lips on mine and I quickly pull away and realize Lisa kissed me.

"LISA I dont like you like that and I only love Sebastian and I would never do anything to hurt him" I yell. I hear a sigh from the corner and see Sebastian sitting there watching this happen.

I run over to him "Sebby I did not kiss her she-" I feel Sebastians hand on my face, he slapped me he actully slaped me. I felt tears on my face and ran as fast as I could out of school. It was poring outside but I dont care I just run until I couldent run anymore.

I hear footsteps behind me and turn around, its Sebastian "Ci..Ciel I didnt mean it she told me what happened im sorry please forgive me"

so do u want me to make Ciel forgive him or not I think they should get back to gether but what do you think plz tell me goodbye my KITTENS

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