Chapter 25- Tristan's POV

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I enjoyed myself with Brad and his friendship last night, but me and him are feeling it now. I don't ever drink much, so I'm alright, but Brad is hungover. We had this only a few weeks ago, yet here we are again. Luckily for him I'm here to look after him, not that I mind- I'm looking forward to spending the day cuddling with him.

If anything, he doesn't need much looking after- he gave me a death stare when I asked him how he was feeling, or maybe he was just defensive. Either way, I've seen him in much worse states than this before. He's not feeling sick, which is the main thing- I can deal with most other problems.

At the moment, I'm trying to eat toast (I wasn't in the mood for cereal after we ate it at 3am last night) while Brad's curled up with his head on my lap. "Stroke my hair." he demands sleepily. 

I laugh. "No. I'm eating. You'll get crumbs in your hair."

"You're a rubbish boyfriend." he pouts.

I roll my eyes affectionately. "See, I told you you were in a bad mood." It's true- I said this earlier and he denied it.

Brad opens his mouth to say something sassy, but is cut off with a yawn. "I'm tired. I want a nap."

"You can't have a nap." I tell him. "You've only been up for an hour and a half."

"It hasn't stopped me before." he retorts, a smirk on his face. "You're so mean Trissy." I lean over him to put my plate on the floor. "Hey!" he protests. "You nearly squashed me."

"I wouldn't have had to if you weren't using me as a pillow." I say. "Sit up, I need to go and get dressed." Brad looks up at me with his big brown eyes, and I instantly find myself unable to say I to him. "I'll come straight back." I promise. Brad huffs, but moves so that he's sitting up. I won't be surprised if I come back to find him dozing  off- he has an amazing ability to be able to sleep anywhere at almost any time.

As I wander off to get dressed, I find myself thinking about how different my life is now. It's often the small things I notice most- I wouldn't have dared to say no to Corey or tease him in the way I do to Brad, and I'm much less timid now. I'm still quite shy though, but I don't think that'll ever change. I pull on the same pair of black jeans I was wearing yesterday as well as a blue jumper then head back to the living room.

Surprisingly, Brad hasn't fallen asleep- he's sitting up scrolling through the channels trying to find something to watch. "Sunday is the worst day for TV." he announces as I sit down beside him. "There's nothing on apart from those cooking shows that no one other than my mum ever watches."

I smile. "They should make a special hangover channel for people like you who won't go outside due to being hungover."

Brad laughs. "I would watch that. You could be onto something there, you could make millions with that."

"I don't know what I'd do with the money though." I say as Brad resumes his position curled up with his head on my lap. "What would you do if you were really rich?"

"I'd buy a really nice piano." Brad replies quickly. "One of those huge ones that count thousands of pounds. And a nice big house to put it in."

"Piano first then house." I comment. "Good to see you've got your priorities in order."

"Obviously." Brad says. "Piano before everything else. Except you."

I smile. "That's the best compliment I've ever had." Brad laughs, and I find myself laughing too- he's so cute it's  hard not to. Eventually we settle on one of those cooking shows that Brad complained about earlier, but only because he's hungry. "Why don't you go and get food then?" I ask.

"I don't want to move." he answers. "I'm comfy." I think he's hoping I'll take pity on him, which I might do later, but for now I'm happy watching TV with him curled up on my lap. It's not much, but we're both happy, so I can think of worse ways to spend the day. As cheesy as it sounds, im just happy being with him.


A load of fluff ☺️ But I wanted it to be happy, as the next one is the last one 😢

I hope everyone had a wonderful trismas 🎄 I got vip tickets to see the boys in May, so I'm happy  🎉

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