Chapter 21- Brad's POV

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It feels like I haven't been to the bar recently, especially with all the drama that's happened. But hopefully that's all sorted out now, and we can put it behind us. We're getting there, though it might take a while. I'm also trying my best to improve Tristan's self confidence- he was so wrecked after Corey ruined him, and I'm doing all I can to try and fix him.

It seems to be working, at least slightly, given that he's walking along holding my hand. Normally he doesn't like to, because the idea of people staring makes him uncomfortable. That's understandable, but I'm just glad he's happier now- God knows he deserves it. "Did you sort your set list out?" Tristan asks.

"Nope." I reply, laughing. "I'm winging it. Hopefully there'll be plenty of drunk people with requests."

Tristan smiles affectionately. "You're so disorganised. How can you live like that?"

I roll my eyes. "We can't all be neat freaks. Anyway, I had far more important things on my mind this week." Tristan squeezes my hand as we walk into the bar. He heads to his usual seat, and I go straight to the piano. It's only been a well, but it feels like forever. I'll just have to hope I can remember what to do- I've done almost no practice in the last few days.

Thankfully, my wish that there would be people with requests is coming true, and I have 3 lined up after only playing one song. As I start on Purple Rain, as requested by an old guy who seemed almost overly polite, i look over and notice Tristan chatting to someone. I wink at him when I catch his eye, and he blushes. I have to smile- he's so cute. And he's really come out of his shell recently, I'm proud of him.

As cheesy as it sounds, seeing him happy makes me happy. Obviously because I love him, but also because he's had such a hard time of it that seeing him smile seems like the greatest thing ever. I come to the end of my song, but I have plenty more lined up. I'm so lucky to do this job- very few people can say that they genuinely have a passion for what they do, and I love it.

It's funny how different me and Tristan are though- he's much too shy to do a job like this, which involves having lots of people looking at you. But on the flip side, I would hate working in a library like he does- I wouldn't be able to deal with the quiet, but he's happy there. I guess opposites attract.

I keep looking over to see Tristan smiling at me, and he always shies away when he sees me. Throughout the rest of my set, I catch his eye, and he blushes almost every time. When I've finished for the night, I head over to him and say "Are you enjoying yourself there?"

Tristan smiles. "Quite, actually."

"What were you talking to that guy about?" I ask him.

"The one in the red shirt?" he asks. I nod. "He was asking me if I knew you as apparently he always sees me here if you're on."

"And what did you tell him?" I ask, teasing him slightly.

"I told him we were together, but I didn't go into massive amounts of detail." he says. "Then he told me that he always comes here after work when you're on. He says it chills him out."

"That's cool." I say.  I genuinely mean it- I like knowing that people enjoy what I do. It really makes me feel good about myself. After that, me and Tristan sit quietly drinking the wine he ordered earlier until I say "I'm not in the mood for a late drunk night. Is it ok if we just go home?"

Tristan laughs. "I was hoping you'd say something like that. Let's do it, I'm tired." 

I take his hand again and we head across to the door. "Until next time." I say dramatically as we go to leave.

He smiles. "Maybe next time you'll be more organised and will have done some planning."

"Maybe." I agree. "But let's be honest here, most likely not." As we walk back to my place, I find myself realising that despite our differences, me and Tristan have a lot of similarities. We were both thinking the same thing about staying out, I guess I definitely learned my lesson from last time.

As we walk, I swing our joined hands. We're talking about the weirdest stuff, sometimes pausing to look in a shop window. It's relaxed, and even though I'm normally the least chill person, I love it. I love hanging out with Tristan, and sometimes it's just nice to enjoy the peace.


This was bad 🙈 But I'm tired and need sleep. Please vote and comment anyway!

I've kind of realised that musician Brad and shy Tristan are tropes I have used before 🙄 Maybe it's meant to be, idk.

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