Chapter 13- Brad's POV

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I know they say time flies when you're having fun, but I genuinely can't believe that it's Saturday already. Tristan has been staying with me for the last few days, and it's been a lot of fun- I like hanging out with him, and now that he knows me better, he's started to open up a bit more. He also seems much happier, which I suppose makes sense given that he used to be afraid of his boyfriend. He probably still is, but Corey isn't really around now. 

Since it's Saturday, I'm going down to the bar just like I always do, but this time I have Tristan with me. He's been a few times now, so I guess he just enjoy it. I know I enjoy looking up from the piano to see him giving me a small smile- he's still shy, but he's definitely coming out of his shell. 

"What's on your set list for tonight?" he asks.

"You'll have to wait and see." I say, winking at him jokingly. "Patience, child."

He rolls his eyes. "You're mean. I thought we were friends."

"We are." I assure him. "But it is a state controlled secret. If I told you, I would have to kill you."

Tristan laughs as we turn the corner. "Hey," he says, pointing down the road. "Isn't that where I bumped into you and made you drop all your paper?"

"So it is." I say, smiling. "That feels like ages ago,  doesn't it? But really it hasn't been that long."

"I'm glad it happened though." Tristan says. "Otherwise we wouldn't have become friends and I would still be stuck with Corey." 

I smile at him, a strange feeling overcoming me. I don't know what it is, so I try to ignore it and change the subject. "So what's going on with you and him then?" I ask.

Tristan sighs. "God knows. But I'm not going to worry about that now, Saturday nights are not a time for worrying."

"Wise advice there." I nod. We head into the bar and I go towards the piano, while Tristan heads for his usual seat. He's not a regular here as such, but that's where he always sits. I've kind of gathered by now that he's not one for change, and much prefers things to be more constant. 

I'd like to call him my cheerleader, but this isn't the sort of place where you would have one. But it's still nice to know he's there. As I start my set, I keep looking over at him. I guess I sort of want to look after him, even though he can probably look after himself. I care about him, and I want him to be ok.

Throughout my set, I keep seeing him smile at me, usually when I play something he recognises. Over the time I've been getting to know him, I've got out of him what some of his favourite songs are, so I thought I'd put some in my set. He seems to appreciate it, as he claps for me way more than anyone else does. I'm glad he's happy- he deserves it, especially since he's  had such a horrible time.

Before I know it, I'm finishing my last song. I stand up and smile at the crowd before grabbing my stuff and going to sit next to Tristan. "That was good." he tells me. "I mean, it always is, but I enjoyed it."

I smile. "I'm glad you did." I order us both a glass of wine, and Tristan begins to visibly relax as we drink them. I haven't really seen this side of him before, so it'll certainly be interesting. He's so quiet and reserved normally, so a bit of alcohol may do bad things to him. But I'll do my best to look after him. Unfortunately, as the night goes on, it's beginning to look like it might be him who needs to look after me. I don't hold alcohol all that well, so before I know it, I'm slightly more drunk than I intended to be. 

Me and Tristan are dancing together, and I'm definitely more than tipsy. He's looking slightly concerned, and takes my hand. "You're drunk. Go and sit down."

"Nooo." I protest. "You're no fun Trissy." He laughs, but makes me sit down anyway. He's right, but still- I was quite enjoying myself. There's not point trying to have a proper conversation, so we just sit together for a while. I break the silence by saying "Trissy, I love you." He smiles, then I say "Like, really." 

I barely know I'm doing it, but suddenly I'm leading forwards and pressing our lips together. Even in my drunken state, I know it isn't good, and yet I don't pull away. And to my surprise, Tristan doesn't either.


It's about to go down 🙈 I'm excited (even though it's my story). Please vote and comment if you enjoyed it!

I've got a horrible cough from someone at school and I genuinely sound like I smoke 30 a day, rip me 😂

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