Chapter 1- Tristan's POV

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"Get the fuck out of my house." I wince as my 'boyfriend' nearly spits in my face. I should be used to this by now, but stupidly I still have hope.

"Why?" I snap right back at him.

"Because you're pissing me off and I don't want to see you anymore. Get out." It's far from being the first time this has happened, but I still hate it. I don't have the heart to argue it though.

"Gladly." I say, grabbing my phone and storming out with as much dignity as possible, which admittedly isn't much. I slam the door behind me as I leave, then let out a deep sigh. It's nothing new, and sometimes I wonder why I do it. It isn't normal for someone to treat their boyfriend like that, but that's how Corey's always been. It feels like he doesn't even like me sometimes. 

So now I'm alone on the streets. It's a Saturday night, and most people are out having fun. Not me though, unless you count getting kicked out by your boyfriend, which I certainly don't. As I walk, I can feel the anger dissolving, but it won't be fully gone. There's too much of it for it all to go away. I wish I could just leave him, but I have this weird phobia about being alone, so it's better to have a not so nice boyfriend than not have one at all. At least, that's how it feels to me.

I could go back to my place, but that would be giving in. I don't want to let Corey win, which is what will happen if I go home and sit feeling sorry for myself. I need to do something, but I don't know what. It seems like a shame to waste the evening, but there's not much that'd be fun to do alone, and even if I did find something, it would be spoiled by how miserable I feel. But there'll he something out there.

I'm startled by a sudden shout from across the road, but I breathe a sigh of relief as I realise that it's just some drunk guys, nothing to be afraid of. I shouldn't be scared- Corey yells at me so much that I should just be desensitised to it by now, but I'm still a bit twitchy. It's embarrassing, but I'm stuck with it.

I like this town, but it does feel depressing sometimes. It's a Saturday night and literally almost nowhere is open. There's a few clubs around here, but I'm not in the mood. I don't have much money on me anyway, so there's almost no point. It's just gone midnight, yet the place is empty. I don't want to get drunk, maybe that's the issue. I don't drink much- I've seen the way it makes people behave, and sometimes I get so scared of Corey when he's been drinking that I end up vowing to myself that I'll never get in that state.

I turn around the corner and am greeted with yet more lack of nightlife. My friends are somewhere without me, probably in some bar. They always invite me to join them, but it's just not my thing. There's a million things I'd rather be doing than getting smashed, to the extent that I'll  literally come up with the most detailed reasons for not going. Most of them involve lying about having plans with other people. It's not true though, and my friends know it. 

It also doesn't help that I'm too picky. With Corey, I just get dragged wherever he wants to go, but on the rare occasions that he lets me choose, I always have a long list of places not to go. I'm very indecisive, no wonder he gets frustrated with me. I try not to be, but I can't help the way I am. On the upside, there does seem to be more life in this area. There's lights on, so hopefully I'll be able to find somewhere to go and take my mind off things. 

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I take it out to see a text from Corey. 'Where did you go?' If he thinks I'll tell him, he's got another think coming. He made me leave and now wants to know where I am? Fuck that. He can't have it both ways. Normally I would respond, but I'm out here alone and I feel brave enough to ignore him. I'll pay for it at some point, but that's a worry for another day. Right now, I need to take my mind off things.

Suddenly, I quite literally bump into someone, causing them to drop a load of paper all over the pavement. "Oh god, sorry." I say, bending to help them pick it up.

"It's ok." the person says. It looks to be sheet music, and I'm curious. We collect up the paper and the person says "Well, that was a nice introduction. I'm Bradley, but you can call me Brad."

"Hi." I stammer, transfixed by his big brown eyes. "I'm, uh, Tristan."

He laughs. "Nice to meet you, uh Tristan. So what are you doing alone out here at this time of night?"


Hello! I don't know if anyone's read my other tradley fanfic (though it has 9.3k so I would hope so), but hi all the same.

Tradley have interacted, early I know, but there's a point to it. Please let me know if you liked this, was it a good start?

Piano Man (Tradley au)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant