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Ethan P.O.V

After my last class Grayson and I meet up. I notice there is something different about him. When we are walking I can see that he is covering his "area" with his binder.

"Dude, are you okay?" I ask
"Yeah I'm fine"

I can tell that he was lying, every time he lies he licks his lips.

I remove his binder from his area and see a huge boner sticking out from his pants.

"Dude, do you have a boner?" I ask
"I was daydreaming okay."
"About Janelle?"
He didn't answer me.

We then arrived at our dorm and both saw Janelle laying on her bed with her huge ass facing us.

Janelle P.O.V

I felt someone slap my ass, I took my earphones out of my ears and look back to see Ethan grabbing my ass tightly. I slapped his hand and removed it from my butt.

"Ethan what the hell to you think your doing?!" I ask with shock.

"C'mon princess, your in some short-shorts that completely show your thick fat ass." He said turning me around, kissing my inner thighs.

"Ethan c'mon now, stop." Grayson said pushing me back a little.

"Yo leave me alone! If you want her then fine, you can have her!" Ethan said while pushing Grayson's hand off his shoulder and leaving due to slamming the door.

"Sorry, he doesn't usually act like this he's getting furious nowadays."Grayson said blushing.

"You ok Grayson, you seem pretty shy, what happened to the badass you?" I question.

"What do you mean, I'm still the same." He said blushing even more.

He went to the bathroom and shut the door, while he was going to the bathroom I saw something sticking out of Grayson's pants, I wasn't sure what it was. I could hear Grayson whimpering in the bathroom which made me kinda concerned.

I walked inside the bathroom seeing him jerking off to his meat. We just stood there in silence not saying anything.

"Like what you see babaygirl?" He asked
I couldn't help it but to answer, "yes daddy."

I picked me up from my ass and we went from the bathroom the the bedroom, he threw me in his bed and starter taking off his clothes and then mine. He then took off my bra and started massaging my boobs.

Then he went to my inner thighs and started sucking my clit.

"Janelle." He stopped.
"What, what's wrong." I replied.
"Janelle, janelle, janelle.."

I snapped out of my mind and see Grayson looking at me in shock.

"Janelle, get out!" He yelled
"Ok sorry!" I quickly shut the door.

After I closed the door I just realize what I did. I was daydreaming about Grayson Dolan, am I falling for him, I asked. Am I really falling for Grayson Bailey Dolan?....

Sorry I haven't been recent lately lot has been going on🤗 but I hope and wish you all a happy new year:)

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