The prince shall arrive

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Emil was around the streets of his kingdom, or sort of his kingdom anyway, when he heard the voices of the local women talking about an Asian man.

"Oh I hear he is simply spoiled," one said. "Well he comes from an Asian land, maybe that's why," another added. "But he's very cute. Oh I hope he finds a wife here," one of the girls smiled brightly and clapped.

Emil was confused. A man from Asia was coming here to pick a bride? Why would he come to this kingdom? He quickly ran back and confronted his brother, Lukas, and his husband, Matthias about it.

Matthias was the king and chose Lukas to be his wife, or in this matter husband. Emil was Lukas' younger brother and was declared the prince of the kingdom.

Matthias smiled and pet the boy's head. "Yes his name is Li Xiao, but he is also referred to as Leon. He is the prince of their kingdom and he has decided to come here for a companion so we may settle our decisions of war,"

Emil stared at the man and nodded with a sigh. "And you must behave. He and the emperor will be staying here with us. The boy is around your age so it's good if you get along with him," his brother added.

Emil once again nodded as he went up to his room and decided to clean up any messes and play with his pet puffin. "Oh what will we do puffin. I don't like the sound of the boy coming to our kingdom. The girls talk of him like he is some legend or something,"

The puffin simply stared at him and rubbed against the boy's hand affectionately.

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