11. Words Unspoken

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the feeling of pure bliss caressed Jayne, and gifted her with luxurious dreams

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the feeling of pure bliss caressed Jayne, and gifted her with luxurious dreams. dreams of love, justice, freedom, and the real meaning of trust. feelings that were foreign to her when she was awake. Now that Jayne knew her secret was free, and that her fragile heart was showcased to her capturer, Jayne had nothing more to worry over. However, just as her mind settled on a shiny dream, her mind became overwhelmed with images of Jakku.

When Jayne woke up, silence surrounded her. Most mornings when she first opened her eyes, Delilah would be standing directly in front of her, but not now. Perhaps not for a couple days. Without a set schedule, the brunette had no idea how to occupy her time. She knew that later in the evening, her expedition on a new planet would occur. "Jayne," Kylo announces from behind the door seconds before he opens it. "You're awake," he states, closing the door behind him.

"Barely." Standing from the bed, Jayne rubbed away the sleep that lingered in her eyes. "Did you need something?" With his hands behind his back, Kylo stood silent while taking in the woman's tired state. After Delilah's questioning last night, he has been wondering if bringing Jayne with him to Jakku was a grand idea. From what he knew, she was shy, closed off, fragile. The chances of her running off or abandoning ship were unlikely in his sense.

Jayne watched as the man in front of her outstretched his arm, not caring to speak again. It seemed that every time Kylo became unsure, he would assure himself that Jayne would be by his side by using this tactic. Kylo thinks that by accepting his hand, Jayne is proving she has every intent on following him in every move he makes. However, in Jayne's eyes, she believes differently. By taking his hand, it shows her that Kylo is lowering his walls by allowing her to make physical contact with the man. Either way, the two were both sure that the other had good intentions, even with the hate that pumped through their veins.

"Maybe he was right," Jayne's voice rang through Kylo's thoughts as she placed her petite hand into his large hand. "We aren't so different." Underneath his helmet, a minuscule smile showed on his face, but it soon faded. Deep down, Kylo knew Jayne resented him, and that she'd never give him her full attention. Not when she knew how evil he could be.

The pair stalked down the hall, unlike Kylo Ren, Jayne couldn't stand the curious gazes that were thrown her way. When she looked down to her hand that was in protection of another, she calmed. The other's gazes meant nothing, and everything to the anxious woman, especially when she's seen as just another soldier in the eyes of Ben.

Entering the dimly lit room, Jayne's eyes focused upon a mannequin in the center of the room. The clothing that hung around it reminded her of Kylo's robes, and they were merely identical despite the modifications Delilah had to make for it to fit the woman's figure. "This is for you, Miss Yadira," Delilah beamed, gesturing to the robes. For a moment Jayne didn't even comprehend what Delilah meant.

"For... for me?" Jayne ran her fingers down the rough material, admiring the sewing. "Thank you, Lilah. It's... wonderful." When hearing that she would be accompanying Kylo on Jakku, she didn't expect to be showing up in lavish robes, or anything near that.

"Of course, Jayne. Kylo Ren assured me you'd fall in love with it." Small details scattered across the fabric that reminded Jayne of home. Leaving the room, Delilah sighed to herself, careful to make sure her commander couldn't hear her complaints. 

"I figured you'd need something for the grounds of Jakku, Jay." He watched as her fingertips ran down the clothing, feeling every divit, and detail. "Put it on so you can get a feel for it."

Eventually Jayne did listen to Kylo's wishes, and wore the snug robes. They were thick, but had enough breathing room for her to not overheat. "It feels very natural," she says. "But also... strange."

"Do you like it?" He questioned while stepping toward her ever so slightly. The woman turned up her nose, finally connecting eye contact with the man she wished she could despise.

"Yes," she answered plainly. "Thank you, Ben. You're... You're very kind to me." The corners of the woman's lips quirked up into a smile, showing her appreciation. "Should I train in them?"

"If you'd like. I've said before that you will not be in danger, Jayne," Kylo reassured the woman beside him as they walked to the training room once again. "You're planning something." Jayne yielded, and turned her eyes up to Ben with puzzlement. "What did you expect?"

"Trust me," she sighed, desperately pleading for Ben to believe her desires to stay beside him. "That's all I ask. For once... trust me." They continued to walk to the other room, neither speaking about how they both knew Jayne would end up abandoning the only person she's grown attached to.

Throwing the lightsaber to the ground in front of them, Kylo gestured for Jayne to lift it into her grasp. Every time Jayne attempted to channel her inner Jedi, it took a minute or two since it's been so long since she's been in use. This time, however, she was stronger, and brought the lightsaber into her grasp within seconds. Jayne expected Kylo to compliment her, but she didn't recieve what she was searching for. "Again," he orders, taking the saber from her hands. "Ignite it."

As she reached out to the lightsaber that laid on the ground, a large wave of emotion washed over her like a wave in the ocean, drowing her until she could no longer focus her thoughts on the saber across from her. Her heart felt light, and her mind was at ease. Everything in her faught against smiling even when her true emotion had nothing to do with being so ecstatic.

"Hmm?" Kylo questioned, noticing the woman's odd behavior. Normally, Kylo was swell at concealing his emotions- unlike Jayne. Yet, Jayne could sense the strange feeling that emitted from the indecisive man.

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