2. Fictional Endures

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After an odd moment with the commander, I was put into a holding room, out of restraints, but locked in this small space with white noise to accompany my forlorn soul

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After an odd moment with the commander, I was put into a holding room, out of restraints, but locked in this small space with white noise to accompany my forlorn soul. Outside of my door stood one stormtrooper restricting my ability to escape. Currently, I was sitting on an uncomfortable bed that hung off of a plain, white wall, desperately trying to sleep. No matter how exhausted I was, my mind wouldn't stop moving. My thoughts blocked me from sleeping, and it almost felt like a curse to be alive.

My eyes shot open as a beeping noise invaded my ears. In front of me stood a taller woman wearing all white and black, her charcoal colored hair held back into a tight bun. "Hello, sorry for the rude awakening Jayne Yadira" she spoke softly, but something about the way she held herself was so off putting. "Our Commander has requested for you to meet with him." In her hands was a transparent board that seemed to illuminate the area which it sat.

When I walked out of the room where I was held, I saw the stormtrooper that was guarding my room tense up. The woman from moments ago waved off the guard and gestured for me to follow her. Her hands were small, and her nails were painted a matte red, accenting the black designing on her clothing. "Kylo Ren has asked me to watch over you, and be your personal alarm clock, Jayne Yadira." I wasn't sure on what to say. I was assuming that I would be killed within hours, if not minutes, so having someone assigned to my person was outlandish.

Standing before a black door, my body tensed up again. "Go inside, Jayne Yadira." I reached for the button to open the door, and watching as my hands trembled with trepidation. Finally, my hand reached the black button, and the door lifted open, showing me a painted black room. I could practically feel the power that radiated from one singular room. It was deafening.

"Jayne Yadira," the man says, his voice once again masked by the helmet he chose to wear over his face. Every time I hear my name, all I can think about is the family I was ripped away from. The family that was murdered in front of my eyes. "Sit," he orders, gesturing over to the black table in the midst of the room. I did as told, and adjusted my clothing out of nervousness. "Do you remember the day Jonah was taken from you?" A memory that is so far away, yet still so close. Jonah was my older brother, and my best friend. Two years ago he was ripped away from our family at the hands of some stranger. "Ah, you do."

"I refuse to... speak with you." My throat still felt so raw that speaking one word felt like my throat was being slashed open. "You're a vile creature."

"Am I?" I nodded as best I could, but with each movement came pain. "I saved you from that wretched village." In his mind, he believes that murdering the remainder of my family and capturing me is saving me? I was already aware of his wickedness, but his sanity is far more concerning.

As my eyes swelled with tears, I saw the miserable, and horrid scenery of my burnt home flash before my eyes. "You're a monster." Sitting in the chair opposite of me, the man placed his hands on both sides of his helmet, a hissing noise reaching my ears soon after. His gloved hands reached up, and slowly lifted the mask away from his face until I could fully see his pallid face. A face that has seen death, and laughed at it. Pitch black hair perfectly fell around his human face. His eyes were a deep brown, almost black.

"Yes, I am," he admits with a soft tone. Setting down his helmet onto the table's surface, the man sighed heavily. "Jayne-"

"What's... your name?" If I were speaking to the very person who might end my life, I might as well know their name.

Throughout the minutes we've been together, not once did he remove his focus from me, which only increase my anxiety. "Kylo Ren." The name was foreign, one I've never heard among my village. For someone so high of power, they are not well known. "That night your brother died, what do you remember?" I bounced my leg under the table and watched the memory dance around in my head.

It's hard to believe that nobody I've grown to know is alive, or that I was being held captive by whoever Kylo Ren is. Why was it so difficult for me to understand? Why couldn't I just accept that fact that from now on, I will always be alone even in this ship full of people? Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and realize this was all just a fantasy. However, each time my eyes closed, they opened to see the same room I was in before.

Jonah was the one, and only person I ever told my secrets to. He was my favorite person even when we'd argue over silly miscommunications. Two years ago his life was cut short by a man in black, and I was lucky enough to escape. Watching his body fall onto the planets dry surface has forever stayed with me. "You don't have to be afraid," Kylo comments as he took notice in my blank expression. Fear was out of the question, but fury wasn't.

"You killed him," I spat, lifting my head, and regaining my composure to show that I was completely in control of myself.

"And you got away. Why must we go over the same things each day?" How come every time he spoke, he never cared to express his emotions? How did he remain so poker faced. "You got away."

"Why do you continue to state that?" Obviously I had slipped away, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here, at this black table across from him. A murderer, and a thief.

"Are you unaware of how, Jayne?" My memory tends to blank, so yes, I'm unaware. "Don't fight it, Jayne Yadira." As his gloved hand reached forward, I felt my body flinch. My mind was once again being invaded, only now I could see that scene much clearer, and from his point of view.

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