17 // new year special

Start from the beginning

*30 minutes later*

We finished and climbed back down. Jonah took down the ladder to make sure they wouldn't sneak up there. "Jonahhhh." The younger one tugged on Jonahs shirt. "What?" He asked. "Can we please go in the pool?" He asked. "Ugh, fine. Wanna come with, Jack and Daniel?" He asked both me and Daniel. I nodded. Daniel nodded as well. Zach and Jonah went to there room to get changed and me and Daniel went to our room. I got my swimming shorts, I was about to change but saw Daniel peaking. "Don't look Daniel!" I said. He giggled. "Why not?" He asked. "Because you weirdo!" I said. "Fine, I'm giving you 10 seconds." He covered his eyes with his hands and counted to ten. I quickly got them on. "4,3,2,1. I'm opening my eyes!" He said. I sat on the bed with my arms crossed. "Ha ha! I win." I said. "Not all losers can think they're winners." Daniel said walking out of the room with a smirk. "What do you mean loser?" I asked. "All cheaters win." He said and winked. "What?" I asked. "I was peaking the whole time you dummyhead!" He said. "Dani!" I said and blushed. He turned around and picked me up. "You dummyhead." He said and ran downstairs, to the backyard. "Dani! I swear to god!" I said as he hovered me over the pool. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He dropped me in. I felt the warm water surround me. I swam up for air. "You bitch." I said. He laughed. He jumped in with me. We stared into each other's eyes. I started leaning in, so did he. "IM BACK!" Zach said. This little shit. I quickly swam away from Daniel. "Hi Zach, again." I said, pissed. He sat on the floor with his feet in the pool. "H-He's as slippery as a ferret." Jonah said out of breath. I laughed. Me and Daniel hung out in one corner, as Zonah hung out in another. We bumped into each other a few times during the Why Don't We Olympics. But over all it was just me and Daniel. We eventually got tired and headed in and cleaned up. My noodles drooped over my forehead. I sat in the living room with a blanket. Daniel walked in shirtless. Oh my god, what does this kid do to me? He sat next to me. "Daniel, aren't you cold?" I asked. He nodded. I scooted closer to him so we could share the blanket. I cuddled up next to his side.

*5 hours later*

Shit, Shit, Shittt. I slipped out under Daniels arms and went up to the room to get ready for the surprise. I walked up to Jonah and Zach's room. I quietly opens the door. There was quiet Zach sleeping on the bed. Jonah got up quietly. "Ready?" He whispered. I nodded and ran back to my room. I put on my checkered jacket that I wore at JingleBall. Put on like 50 pounds of cologne on. Put on my checkered Vans and some black ripped skinny jeans. I quietly tip toed to Jonah's room once again. He had his Checkered Jacket on as well. I gave him a thumbs up and he gave me one as well. I ran back to the living room and woke up Daniel. "Wake up, Dani." I said. "Ngh." He whimpered. "Come on, we're going out for New Years." He jumped up. "Go get ready." I said. He nodded. Me and Jonah sat in the kitchen and waited for Daniel and Zach.

*15 minutes later*

"These kids take forever!" I said. With that, they came downstairs. Daniel looked beautiful, it seemed as Daniels eyes were the bluest shade there was. "Where are we going?" Zach asked. "You'll see." Jonah said. Jonah had already gotten the ladder ready. "Jonah I'm scared of heights." Zach said slightly hugging Jonah. "It's okay, I'll be right here." Jonah said. Omg they're so cute. I said to myself. Zach was the first to get on the roof. Then Jonah, then me and Daniel. Daniel and Zach's mouth dropped when they saw what was on the roof. There was food on the table, flowers, drinks, even fucking beanbags like who wouldn't want this. It almost looked as if Zach was gonna cry. Daniel was just in shock. Daniel and Zach hugged me and Jonah. "Thank you thank you thank you!" They said. "There's nothing to thank us for." Jonah giggled. We sat at the table, eating and talking about how much we missed Corbyn but we were happy that he was making Christina happy. We finished up and sat on the beanbags looking up at the stars and moon. Jonah and Zach were cuddling and me and Daniel were cuddling on another bean bag. We each watched the New Year count down on our phones. I got up. I held my hand out. Daniel grabbed it. We sat at the edge of the house with our legs dangling over the edge, I grabbed onto Daniels hand, he held onto mine as well. Jonah did the same with Zach and us 4 were staring up at the moonlight.






I grabbed Daniels face and kissed him passionately. This kiss was the best I've ever had.


I grabbed Zach's face and kissed him passionately. He had the most luscious lips on earth, the cutest face on earth.


Daniel pulled away. "I love you, so much." He said and he rested his head on mine.


Zach pulled away, he started to slightly cry. He hugged me so tightly. "I love you, so much." He said. I turned around to see Jack and Daniel making out on the beanbags. I giggled. Zach was on my lap, his legs wrapped around my waist. "I never knew that you liked me." Zach said as he rested his head on my shoulder. I pulled him off my shoulder. "I don't like you, I love you." I said and kissed him once again, we stayed there our foreheads up against each other, fireworks in the distance.

(A/N: wtf, I'm crying at how cute my own fanfic is? Send Help. Anyways, hope you guys have had a great new years eve, depending on when I post this. Either New Years Eve or New Years Day. Eh either one is fine. Love you guys! Thank you for 2K reads!- 💙)

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