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This is a request from @youremyuniverse hopefully you like it :) thank u for requesting

(Ahyoung p.o.v)

You've always known Na Jaemin since middle school when you fainted in your middle school's orientation.He helped you to the nurse's office and stayed with you. He was very kind and gentle with you, ever since that day you guys became best friends. But things started to change with you and between the both of you. You started to grow feelings for your best friend.

On the day you met you learned that you also discovered you had quite a rare illness that didn't really give you a long span of life. But that was ok with you because Jaemin made every moment happy and trouble less. When you didn't go too school for your doctor's appointment or when you felt too sick to even get out of bed. He sent you the homework after asking if you were ok. But you always replied with "I'm Fine" because you didn't want him to know of what you were secretly suffering from.

Ever since High school came and puberty hit, Jaemin who had the most changed also gained popularity from a certain group of people. Things didn't change because of that, what made the change was Na Jaemin's new and first girlfriend Sooyoung. She wasn't exactly nice with you when you guys were alone, but when jaemin was around she acted as if she liked you but she wasn't fooling you.

Sooyoung didn't exactly hurt you, it was more your heart aching for Jaemin. You liked him so much and you wanted to confess and tell him how you feel before the time came of your absence of this world. Weeks into Jaemin's relationship with soo young he started to ignore you. he would not return your calls or messages and always left you on read to the point where he blocked you. At school it was even worse he pretended like you never existed he would always avoid you. This hurt you so much that you had a breakdown in the bathroom and that also lead you to later on start coughing up blood.

The doctor had told you before hand to not add to much stress on yourself since your system was pretty weak. That exact day you went to the doctor, but unfortunately it came with really bad news you were growing weaker by the days and maybe a surgery could help, but it was only 20% chance of survival. You decided to take it because either way death was always at the end.

3 days left before your surgery, you prepared for both the surgery and confession to jaemin. On your way to class you spotted jaemin by himself, so you took the chance to run up to him and confront him.

"Jaemin I need to talk to you, why have you've been ignoring me?"

"there's nothing to talk about ok, I just don't want you in my life anymore"

your heart ache hearing these words coming from the boy who was your best friend and soon developed crush.

"oh I see...listen i just need to tell you something before I go" you started with your voice cracking.

"Jaemin darling!" You heard Sooyoung yell.

"Jaemin what are you doing with her?''

Jaemin looked at you, he looked like he was debating with himself but he finally spoke and you felt the venom come out.

"Nothing she's just wasting my time, let's go soo young" with that they left you. You just couldn't understand him anymore. He wasn't the jaemin you fell in love with.

"Please don't go Jaemin....I miss you.." you whispered before tears starting pouring down your cheeks.

It was the day before your surgery and you weren't able to confess to jaemin, so you wrote him a letter. The day of the surgery came and you delivered the letter to his mom, before you left his mom hugged you wishing you luck on your surgery. if things didn't go well you were gonna miss all of these wonderful people.

{Jaemin's P.O.V}

It's been a few days since I fought with Ah young. It hurt me so much I missed my best friend, but soo young told me she felt threatened around her and wanted to spend more time with so I decided to distance myself from Ah young but it was hurting me. Every time i tried to contact her soo young would threaten to break up with me and hurt Ah young. Sooyoung was manipulative but I couldn't get out.

I got home to my mom crying. She came up to me and hugged me.

"Jaemin Ah yo-young passed away"

I stood there in my mom's arms, no way she couldn't have I barely saw her 3 days ago...

"Here Ah young wanted me to give this before she left" I took the letter to my room and opened it.

Dear jaemin,

Im going to keep this short, hey best friend I miss you id don't know what came into our friendship, but Ive always wanted to fix it but I saw that I couldn't but its ok as long as you were happy with soo young that was enough for me. I miss our old memories where we would go to the arcade and spend our money and time on but it was ok because we had fun. I wrote this letter to tell you that I like you, I like you as more than a friend. I don't know when this feeling started but when it did it felt fresh and nice that it was you, you the person who would hug me when I cried, you the person who would buy my ice cream just because I loved it, you the person who helped me when I had trouble with school, you the person who stood by me. So thank you for all of the memories and emotions you made me feel I love you Na Jaemin.

                                             -Love Ah young

She was gone, and with her she took everything. Im so sorry Ah young I wish had not ignored you..

thank you for reading this has been the longest chapter yet and forgive me for any errors. Till next time :)

Kpop angstजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें