Chapter 6

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This chapter may contain matured content, so if you don't feel like reading it, please skip on this one.
I'm repeating it, it has matured content!


After I've finished to put all my things out of my bag, and put it on the right places, I took a quick shower before I went to my bed. I missed this buddy.

I received another message from Gorge, saying he already arrived to their home after he dropped me here.

I felt my eyes getting heavy as I sent my reply to him, and before I could realize, I knew I've fell asleep with a phone in my hand.


I woke up very late the next day. I guess I was really so tired and even if it's already 11Am, I would still welcome the sleeping mode to possess me.

I don't feel like doing anything today.

I closed all my curtain last night so that the sun light would not bother me in this morning and it was really a great help though!

I fell back on my sleep lovingly as I hugged one of my pillows and enjoyed my 'bed moment' when someone knocked on the door.
I asked the person,

"What the hell do you want?!"
For I am starting to get irritated and the person behind the door is very much persistent. He didn't answer my question, instead, he kept on knocking on my door as if he was ready to break it.

"Open this goddamn door Theia!"
Finally I heard him spoke.

"What do you want Alex?!"

"Open the door!"

As I get up very much annoyed, I took a deep sighed before I walk over the door and open it slightly which let a small portion for him to see me.

"What do you want?"

"Open up!"

"I opened it already! What else do you want?"

But he pushed the door so that he could enter, and because he uses his 'man power' , I just stood there defeatedly.

" Where have you been?"

"Are you stupid or something? Didn't you see I am here in my room and yet you are disturbing me from my heavenly rest, why don't you just get out of my bedroom now and leave me alone?"

"Answer my goddamn question Theia!"

"Get lost!" I yelled at him as I jump over my bed and pulled my comforter above my head so that I won't see him.

"So you don't want to tell me because you just slept with your little boyfriend am I right? So how does it goes? Did he satisfy you?"

There we go again. He is starting up this nonsense again pulling out the topic of how I am a 'big whore' for him. This bastard has a mental problem I guess. Maybe his mother didn't give him the right amount of nutrients he needed for his brain to function normally and he sees me as someone very amazing and he envied me that's why he kept on pestering me. Or maybe he was a gay?!

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