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Calm now, I turned to Harry. "Take care, Potter," I said, raising two fingers to my brow. "We'll be seeing each other sooner than you think I suspect."

"Bye Percy," Harry said, smiling and returning the gesture. "Try not to kill anyone while you're gone."

If Dursley wasn't intimidated enough, this statement from Harry had him and his wife and son all cowering with fear. I smirked in their direction and walked over to my hunt. "Ready?" I asked.

"Let's go, my lord," Luke said. "I've had enough wizards to last me a life time."

"Don't call me that."

It was close to the end of winter now in England. Things seemed calm in London and the surrounding countryside. No major attacks or natural disasters as of yet. People walking around, their excitement dulled down post-Christmas. Normal proceedings happening in houses and schools now that the break was over.

But that was just the mortal world. Or, as the wizards called it, muggle world.

My elite team and I just returned from the States and parts of England and Scotland, taking down the monsters and giants old Voldy enlisted with Artemis' help. We had just arrived at the Weasley's house only to learn Harry, Hermione and Ron had been at Dracos' father's house not three days before and at Bill Weasley's Shell cottage the day before. They were on the run.

"What in Hades' underpants has happened?" I demanded once I realized this. "It's only been a year and a half and Voldemort has taken control!"

"Don't say his name!" Sirius exclaimed. "It's taboo now. If we say his name, his followers can find us."

"Mortal spells don't work on gods, or demigods for that matter," Nico said for me, "and Percy how many times do I need to tell you not to use my father's name as a curse?"

"At least 7,952 more times, Neeks," I said casually. "Now tell me what's happened."

"Well," Fred started, scratching his head, "last year a kid named Crabbe let in the Death Eaters and Snape killed Dumbledore."

"That explains that feeling you had, Shade," I said thoughtfully. "Old Dumbles was a powerful mortal."

Nico nodded as Will asked, "Did he finally decide to tell Harry everything?"

"I don't know about everything," Mrs. Weasley answered. "But he told Harry something because now he's gallivanting around the country side doing something with Ron and Hermione but he won't say what."

"He's on a mission," Sam spoke up," Dumbledore must have left him with a way to kill the unkillable."

"How do you know?" Mr Weasley asked.

"Same thing happened when Bion-our last leader-went off on a mission by himself. He wouldn't tell anyone what he was doing until he finished," Sam explained. "Just like what Percy did when he went to Tartarus that last time."

"Not cool man," Leo said from the couch, "Doing that to us again."

"It turned out to be nothing, didn't it?" I defended myself.

"That he actually ended up to be on our side?" Michael said. "We didn't figure that out until several years later when we won."

I rose my hands in surrender. "Okay, enough. What else has happened?"

"Well, I lost an ear," George offered.

"Your first battle wound!" Leo shouted, pumping his fists in the air. "Let me see." Leo leapt off the couch and grabbed George's head, turning it this way and that. "Oh, man. That's much cooler than mine! Or Percy's."

Percy Meets the Boy who Lived (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora