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Artemis' lips twitched and almost grew into a smile. "Lord Ariston," she started, "Lady Hecate and an old man with a long beard are in the Big House, waiting to speak with you."

"Thank you agin, Lady Artemis," Percy said, smiling, "You can call me Percy."

The goddess of the wild nodded and left, probably to oversee her Hunt.

Percy turned back to Tartarus, who smiled and said, "Go, Percy, we'll speak later, but before you go," he paused and dug in a pocket for something, "this is for you." he said, holding out a gold coin. It was not a drachma, it looked different. "It is called a galleon and you might be needing it soon. Flip it, like the son of Jupiter's old weapon."

Percy flipped the strange coin and caught a...stick? He looked up at the taller primordial with a confused look.

Tartarus just laughed and pushed him towards the Big House. "It works like your 'Riptide', you cannot lose it, now go, brother," he said, still laughing. "I will see you later, if Father does not kill me first."

Percy laughed too and started for the Big House with Vindex on his heals. Things were starting to look brighter than they were before. He wondered what Hecate and that old man wanted.

JUST SO YA'LL KNOW: This chapter is going to sound eerily familiar because I "borrowed" some of it from the first few chapters of the book. I promise that this is going to be the ONLY time I do this and I will only follow the book from here on.


Harry was laying in his room, several hours after the Dursleys had left and about four days after the whole dementor debacle. He had hardly moved after his aunt and uncle left with Dudley, he did not care if they were in the house or not. He was still miserable about the fact that no one is telling him anything and he might get expelled from Hogwarts.

A sudden crash from downstairs caused Harry to bolt upright and yank his wand out. His first thought was burglars but the Dursleys did not have anything of value. Unless you counted the chipped china in the dining room. But then, he realized that burglars would at least try to keep their voices down. Whoever was downstairs was not doing that.

Harry stood with his wand out and facing the door to his bedroom. In the next second, he was staring at the silhouette of multiple people standing in his bedroom doorway.

"Lower your wand, boy, before you take someone's eye out," a low growling voice spoke up. He knew that voice. He had listened to it all last year for DADA. Yet he did not lower his wand, this could have been another imposter.

"Professor Moody?" He asked uncertainly, his heart thumping wildly in his chest.

"I don't know much about 'Professor'," said the voice, "never got around to teaching now did I?"

Harry lowered his wand slightly but did not put it away.

"It's alright, Harry, we've come to take you away," a new voice said and Harry's hear beat increased. He knew that one too, except he had not heard it since third year.

"Professor Lupin?" He asked incredulously. "Is that you?"

"Why are we all in the dark?" a third voice asked, this time unfamiliar. "Lumos."

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