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I got tagged by


Favorite color: Dark teal

Favorite book: I have a ton but mainly anything Harry Potter

Favorite author: Cassandra Clare or JK rowling

Favorite food: Salami

Favorite animal: Whales and dolphins

Favorite type of dog: Daschund (I have two I'm very biased)

Favorite drink: Tea or hot chocolate

Favorite year of my life so far: 2016 aside from politics

Favorite boy name: Anthony

Favorite girl name: Isabelle (or any variation)

Favorite day of the week: Saturday

Favorite word: Thingamajiggy

Favorite quote: "Legs that didn't end..until they did." It's from the case of the gilded lily

Favorite band: Talkfine/ Jim and the Povolos

Favorite song from those bands: Superhero (It's About the Bike)/ Lovegirl (the Moment)

Favorite singer(s): Everyone in Starkid

Favorite instrument: Vocals

Favorite meal: my mom can make some really awesome cauliflower puree

Favorite sport: Figure skating

Favorite country: It's a really nice place where my cousins live. I'm going to protect their privacy by not saying it.

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Mint chocolate chip or cookie dough

Favorite Movie: Anything Harry Potter

Favorite TV Show: The Goldbergs

Favorite YouTuber: *hides behind hands because I watch too many*

Favorite YouTube video: I guess right not it's the full JATP "Seems Right" Album

Favorite Subject: Ceramics

Favorite Person: Clark Baxtresser or my mother or my cousin

Favorite Object: Books

Favorite Item of Clothing: My onesie

Favorite Website: GoodReads/ Pintrest

Wooo that was a longish one and the first tag I've ever done! I tag anyone but especially


Sooo, yeah.

QOTC: How was this year?

AOTC: Pretty okay if you remove anything relating to physics

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