~The Only Thing that Matters~

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She's gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. Sqaishey must've had a long night because she fell asleep right on my chest. She looked so cute there. I fell asleep with my head lightly on top of hers.


Nicole stirred next to me. "Sh sh sh, it's okay. I'm here to take care of you," I said. Our cat, Church jumped onto the couch. "And so is Church." I giggled. At least it was a manly giggle.


"Tom. Tom! TOM! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" I yelled.

"Netty, it's 9:30, what's the matter?" He asked me.

"So um, Stampy and Sqaishey sorta maybe kinda told everyone about our kiss," I said. He shot up instantly in bed. I was beckoned over.

"Netty," he said, his voice oddly gentle as he brushed the hair out of my face. "The only thing that matters is the present. Whatever happened on Twitter yesterday doesn't matter. The only thing that should concern us the most is the present and the future." I felt his breath warm on my lips before he kissed me.

Yes, I know, this is a filler. And yes, I haven't updated in awhile. I've been 'busy'. And by busy I mean watching A Very Potter Musical, A Very Potter Sequel, and A Very Potter Senior Year. And practicing my Harry Potter impressions, and by doing that, I'm about to lose my voice again because I am irresponsible. And also having my soul crushed in watching Star vs the Forces of Evil. But, good news! Since I got a lot of comments about the Sqampy book in texts, a prologue should be out some time in the next week and I am so excited!!!

QOTC: Do you judge books by their covers.

AOTC: Yes. The greater part of why I bought Carve the Mark last week was because the cover was pretty.


--Luna xxx

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