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Another few weeks pass and I healed at a fast rate.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I hope you've had a fantastic and full dinner. Tonight, before our sing-along, I declare a quest," Chiron declared. Murmurs of excitement filled the arena as it had been long since there was a quest. But the voices and chatters hushed when they realized it might be a dangerous one and they waited for Chiron to continue.

"I was hoping I didn't have to break it to you so early, but Dionysus and I have decided to let you in on this. As some of you have noticed, the nights are getting longer and the days shorter. The Night is overpowering. The balance is being disrupted by the goddess and I doubt she has any intentions of stopping. Vanessa Kaltone, the new demigod that arrived at Camp not long ago is going to lead this quest.....," he didn't go on further.

Murmurs rose quickly again of the quest. This time, it was filled with concern and worry. The bright fire dimmed and turned into a reddish hue.

"Alright, demigods..... Vanessa, you may choose two demigods to accompany you on the quest," he said, waving me over. I stood and shyly walked up and stood next to him. I felt small compared to his tall centaur body. I was barely up to his chest.

"So?" Chiron asked. I looked across the sea of waiting demigods. Most of whom I barely know.

"Nico and Connor," I confidently answered. I know those two here the most and I know I can trust them.

"Nico? But will he-" a demigod from the crowd spoke up after hearing my answer.

"I will take it. I will go on this quest," a familiar voice rang through the amphitheater. The dark-haired boy stepped out from the shadows and next to me. He glanced at me before turning to face the crowd.

Connor stepped out too. His usual sly grin had morphed into a serious expression.


"Looks like this is it, then," Percy said, giving Connor a hug. He awkwardly went in for a hug to Nico but settled for a handshake instead. I could tell something serious happened between those two. He avoided my gaze but gave me a nod. What is up with him?

"Well, Nessa. It's about time. We taught you all you need. It's up to you now," Annabeth sighed. Technically they only taught me a few basics due to the timing of all this.

Tears brimmed my eyes. They just suddenly rose out of nowhere.

"Wha-" I realized that one, I was scared of what lay before me. Two, I seriously miss my dad.

'If the quest does not go well, you, Connor, and or Nico will be in serious danger. You might even die,' Annabeth had told me last night after the campfire. And I didn't want to die.

"Look, Nessa, even though your mother is Her, through the past week, we all saw potential and good in you, right Percy?" Annabeth nudged her boyfriend hardly.

"Ow! Yeah, we all did, Nessa," Percy said.

"By the way, Chiron asked me to give something to you. He knew you were good with arrows, so......," Annabeth handed me a silver bow and arrow. "It belonged to one of Artemis's hunters. Left in their cabin. I guess she forgot about it. But she never came back to retrieve it so you can keep it."

I examined the glowing bow and arrow. It was beautifully carved and look quite fancy. It reminded me of the arrow that scarred me. Yep, I still haven't gotten over that and I shouldn't.

"Wow, thanks!" I had only used a bow and arrow twice in camp, even I was shocked that I was able to get a bull's eye despite never handling a bow and arrow before. I guess it was only luck.

But I decided to keep the bow and arrow anyways, just in case something happens. It's not like I'm good with using any other weapons.

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