Fandom Story (NOT BY ME)

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This was not written by me. I just happened to scroll by it while surfing online and really love it. I only made a few changes the way I like it but if you want to see the original copy here's the link:

It's in the comment section of the link.

"Hey Wise Girl," he mumbles into her shoulder, as he hugs Annabeth from behind.

"Just one second, Percy. I'm working on something," she said, shrugging her shoulders to get him off. Percy frowned and straightened, not liking the idea of being shrugged off by his girlfriend.

"Annabeth," he said again recieving no reaction.

Percy turned his head slightly up to look out the window and noticed it was closed, showing their reflections.

He grinned evilly as Annabeth's eyes darted from the computer screen to the reflection and bach and forth, knowing something was forming in Percy's brain. 

He stood and took a step back, pretending not to notice her stormy grey eyes darting from the reflection to the computer. He stretched his arms above his head purposely, his green shirt rising slightly and showing off his perfectly chiseled abs as he pretended to yawn.

He fought down a grin as he saw Annabeth's eyes fixed completely on the reflection.

Quickly, while Annabeth was still watching, not that he doubted she would stop looking, he pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it onto the floor. He turned and fell face first onto her bed, hiding the grin that was spreading across his face in the pillow.

He listened carefully, and heard no clicking of computer keys. A slight squeak appeared as Annabeth pushed the chair from the desk and stood up.

Percy turned his head to her as she stood up, and his eyes just about bulged from their sockets and roll across the floor.

Annabeth only wore a small singlet and a pair of purple panties.

Definitely outmatched, he thought as he tore his eyes from her body and back to her face.

She raised an eyebrow, "Are you done yet?"

He blushed deeply and shoved his face into the pillow. He felt the bed dip as Annabeth got onto the bed and crawled over to him.

Before he could even register what was happening, her fingers were digging into his ribs and tickling him.

He burst into laughter as he sat up and jumped away from her, falling off the bed. He dragged the sheet and the pillows with him as he fell onto his back, and Annabeth followed him down, straddling his waist and tickling him again.

He quickly grabbed her hand before they made contact with his ribs and rolled her over, so that she was lying on the floor and he was propped up on his elbows and knees hovering over her.

She blushed and looked under the bed, and Percy scrambled up, blushing as well.

"Sorry," he muttered as he tried not to note their lack of clothing and the awkward position they were just in. In Annabeth's bedroom. Alone.

He sat back on the bed and watched as Annabeth stood up and walked to the foot of the bed and looked at him with a specific look he couldn't quite place.

"What?" he asked after a moment.

"Nothing," she replied and continued to look at him.

Well, he thought, more observantly... kind of like she was-

"Annabeth," he said slowly, drawing her eyes to his, "Were you... were you just checking me out, again?"

She didn't answer, just crawled, very seductively, towards him from the end of the bed. She came up over his legs and put her hands either side of his hips, her legs on his right.

The first thing his eyes were drawn to were her stormy, grey eyes. as she stared deep into his. but then she bent forwards and the side of her face pressed into his.

The second thing his eyes were drawn to was her-

"Percy," she whispered, and he blushed as he twiddled his thumbs, thinking he had been caught checking her out.

"Do you want to-," she started, and was cut off as her front door slammed open.


A woman's voice echoes through the house.

"Oh sh*t!" Percy mumbled.

"THATS RIGHT, PERCY JACKSON!" no other than Athena's voice echoes through the house as her footsteps climbed the stairs.

Annabeth swore fluently in Greek as she hopped off Percy and grabbed a pair of shorts from a basket in the corner. she just buttoned them up as the door swung open.

"WAIT UNTIL YOUR FATHER HEARS ABOUT THIS PERSEUS!" she yelled as she stormed in and stood at the foot of the bed.

"He already knows," came a voice from the recently emptied doorway.

Poseidon stood in the doorway, leaning casually on the frame

"Did you have to make such a racket as you left the throne room?" he asked. "I had just fallen asleep, and you went screaming and disappearing to come here. Though, I guess I have to thank you for stopping Zeus's drab meeting," he stopped and adopted a thoughtful look. "But I'm obviously not going to," he said with a grin.

"Poseidon, your sea spawn-"

She was cut off quickly though, as another god appeared in the room. It was Hermes.

Greaaaaat, Percy thought as he fell onto the bed, not bothering with the shirt.

"Have you killed-," but Hermes was cut off as well, as another god appeared.

"PROTECTION! USE PROTECTION!" yelled Apollo as he appeared.

Percy blushed and saw Annabeth fall into her desk chair.

"I make very good protection, guaranteed not to break-," Hephaestus started as he appeared but was cut off by a new voice.

"No ******* before marriage!" yelled the queen of gods as she appeared, followed by Zeus with an unhappy expression, but he didn't say anything, for which Percy was glad.

Hades appeared laughing enveloped in shadows, "Oh, I'm just glad Nico doesn't do this yet." He started to laugh again, in a very un-Hades like way.

"You obviously haven't found about Nico and Will's relationship, then," Percy mumbled.

"WHAT?!" Hades bursted, "Will!? What is he-," but was cut off by the next god to appear in the room.

"Oh!" cried Aphrodite. "Love in the air! I must tell Eros!!!"

Percy sighed deeply and looked at Annabeth. She was looking down with a complete embarrassed look. She looked up to notice him looking back.

He tilted his head towards the door, and she nodded, getting the message.

They quickly got up and left the room. None of the Olympians noticed over the arguing and bickering and more immortals appearing.

"Ice cream?" Percy asked when they finally got out.

"Oh gods, yes."

Daughter of NyxTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon