don't have to tell me twice

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don't have to tell me twice, i already saw it, heard it , wrote it and spoke it, enough with you telling me what i should do or be, see or say, you don't have any claim to what i become, it's not for you to decide what my path is, my path is my own, let me be free , let me live my own life, do not chain me to your own whims and constructs, it is not for me, let me go , let me be free, you have your own life to paint over how you want.  Don't just draw over my life, you will just ruin what i have created, don't mow over my lawn, don't just come over to eat what i cooked for myself, don't stomp in my garden, leave my pets be, take your own things, leave mine alone. 

poetry magicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora