lion in me

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 how elegant is she , the lion in me, 

how absolutely head strong she is

 un-bothered by small minded things,  

  withstanding anything, being everything,

 caring always, living for now, not looking back, 

giving in to hope,

 all good things will come to those who are kind of heart, pure of mind and can give hope and kindness, strong heart even stronger mind

, your not weak if you are kind, don't let them take your life,

 fight and fight hard for it

. Have a strong mind

 , no one can ever truly let you down but yourself, 

it's not your fault,

 you are still learning, don't be ashamed if you know it is wrong,

 find a new perspective, 

find others who have experienced the same things  you did

 stand up and rise, united against racist,  sexist, and whatever hate there is, be part of a whole 

be wholesome

be you the lion who is not scared of anything

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