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I pulled away once my breathing slowed, and the tears had stopped falling.

I wiped my cheeks with my sleeves, before realizing about all the blood.

"Fuck. Your sh-shirt. M-my b-b-blood." I choked.

"It's fine."


"I said it's fine."

I stared ahead, silence falling upon us.

"Wait! You s-shouldn't be in the g-girls-s bathroom!"

He chuckled slightly, running a hand through his hair. "I know, but I saw myself in you and when you ran out the classroom... -I couldn't just leave you!"

"What do you m-mean?"

He sighed, leaning his head against the wall and staring in front of him, avoiding eye contact.
"My brother took his life. He couldn't walk after a car accident, and couldn't bear it. I blamed myself. I said, if I had helped him, he wouldn't have done it. I gave myself so much hate, that one night I got a knife from the kitchen and cut myself. I couldn't stop, it numbed the pain, and like an addiction, it controlled me. Constant urges to cut, covering my thighs and wrists and stomach. I fell deeper and deeper into a hole, until my girlfriend found out. She helped me through it, helped me to fight the urges, to resist. She was amazing, but she spent so much time making sure I was happy, she forgot about herself. We broke it up. She couldn't cope anymore."

He turned to look at me, and pulled back his sleeve.
"I've been clean for 3 years now. Because I had a friend who understood. Who I could talk to. You can talk to me. Don't bottle it all up inside, Molly."

"Please- promise you'll come to me if you feel like doing this again?"

My fingers crossed behind my back.

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