Chapter 1~ Grandma

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(your outfit is pictured above)
I landed on the planet of D'Qar, and landed my ship in the midst of some trees. I clipped my lightsaber to my belt, because I would probably need it, and I opened a door in the ship.

My son was playing on the floor with his toy X-Wing, and I smiled, "Dylan, come on. Put your stuff in your bag, because we need to go." I say, and he began to pick up his stuff.

I ruffled his black hair, and he stood up, "Okay! I am ready to go!" He says and I pick him up, "Great, honey."

I walk outside of the ship, and used the force to close the door. I never thought I would be going on a mission, let alone have my lightsaber hooked back on to my waist again. The Resistance has coordinates to a person who has the map to Luke Skywalker, and the Resistance needs to find him before the First Order does.

I began walking through the marshy lands, and I could see the Resistance base.

"Mom, am I going to stay with, Grandma for awhile?" Dylan asked with his head on my shoulder.

"Yes, you're going to be staying with Grandma, while I go take care of some things." I say, and he nods.

I walked onto the pavement that led to the base, and Poe was fixing his X-Wing, and I put Dylan down.

He instantly ran up to Poe, and gave him a hug, "Hey! What're you doing, tiger?" He asked, picking Dylan up and throwing him in the air.

Dylan laughed, "I'm staying with Grandma!"

I walk over to Poe, and he hugs me, "Do you think you'll be okay to go on this mission, Y/N?" He asked, and I give him a small smile.

"Yeah, I might be a little rusty, but we need to find Luke." I say, and kisses my lips,

"It'll be okay. You'll be okay, and I'll be with you." He says, and I smile.

I pick Dylan back up, "Come on, let's go find grandma." I say, and begin walking towards the base, and Leia was standing around some computers.

Dylan jumped down from my arms, and ran straight to Leia, "Grandma!" He shouts, and she turns around with a smile on her face, "Hey there, Dylan! I've missed you!" She says, and picks him up, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"If you go over to Poe, he'll show you his X-Wing again." Leia says, and Dylan runs out of the room, and to where Poe was.

I stand there, and she walks up to me, "He looks like Ben more and more everyday." Leia says with a sigh, and I pull her into a hug.

"I know, he has inherited Han's sarcasm, and I quote, 'I always talk my way out of everything' attitude." I say, and she chuckles.

"I miss that man, how is he doing?" She asked.

I smile, "He's doing great. But I know he misses you, Leia." I say, and she shakes her head, "I hated watching him leave." She said, and I rubbed her shoulder.

Dylan was sitting on Poe's shoulders, and they walked up to us, "Everything is ready to go, General." He says, and Leia nods her head.

"Alright, well you two better get going then. Y/N, we have an X-Wing ready for you too, it's right next to Poe's. Oh, and the coordinates are already set, all you have to do, is fly it out." She said, and Dylan walked over to me hugging my leg.

"It's okay, Dyl. I'll be back in no time." I say, and pick him up.

I look over at Leia, "My father will be coming after him tomorrow, to take him to Naboo, he'll be safer there. And far away from him." I say and she nods.

I kiss Dylan's cheek, "Be good for Grandma, General Dylan. I'll be back as soon as I can." I say, and run my fingers through his hair.

I set him down on the floor, and Leia hugs me, "You'll be okay. Clear your mind, and focus." She says.

"We'll be back, General." Poe says, and takes my hand in his.

We got to our X-Wings, and he rubs circles on my hand, "Ready?"

"Ready." I say, and climb up into my X-Wing, and he climbed into his. I pressed the button, it closed the top hatch, and I put on the seat belt,after that I put on a helmet.

Poe looks over at me, then I hear him through my comm, "I didn't know my girlfriend was that hot, especially in a helmet." He said, and I chuckled

"Right back at ya, Dameron." I say, and then both of our fighters lifted up into the sky, and we were off.

BB-8 was beeping, telling us were about to hit hyperspace. We both put our manual flying on, and with that we were heading to the planet Jakku.

When we entered into the planet, I spoke into my comm, "I have a bad feeling about this..." I said.

"It'll be alright, Y/N. I promise you."
Word Count: 941
Obviously, it's not going to go exactly like the movie. But there will be a lot of movie parts in it, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Feel free to vote, and comment! And I also have a Star Wars Imagines book if you'd like to go check that out as well!
«May the force be with you, my Padawans.»

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