Chapter 1

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 ✨ hey hey guys i'm back~! 

this chapter it's like explaning how was jaehyun's and taeyong's life so far that's why i decided to write from my point of view. i guess that's it. enjoy! ✨

author's p.o.v 

it's been more than 4 years since Taeyong and Jaehyun got back together. They are both 27 years old now and their son Jaejin is already attending kinder garden. Still both of them didn't forget the fight they had.

when Jaehyun was living in europe and hiding away from his boyfriend, they don't like to think about the past, it was rather sad and painful, thought there were also a lot of beautiful memories.

for example when Jaehyun and Taeyong meet for the first time on the school's bathroom, to first hug and very first kiss. Jaehyun's big regret is that he wasn't able to stand by Taeyong's side in the most hard times. when Taeyong had to drop out of school, when he was struggling with health and mental problems. but he was glad and thankful to Taeyong for forgiving him and giving him the second chance.

Taeyong on the other hand still had mood swings, but he was working on it. he was feeling better than before, thanks to his parents for always supporting him in his decisions, and to Jaehyun and of course his son.

when they left europe they decided to adopt Jaehyun's younger sister Hana. she was scared of parents, they would often yell and punish their kids. Hana of course didn't deserved any of that. she was an lovely girl, she really loved Taeyong since the first day he visited. not to mention she absolutely loved Jaejin too, since she always wished for younger sibling let's say her wish finally came true. both of the boys returned to high school after buying luxury mansion in busan. they successfully finished all of the missed exams and then also decided to go to college. Jaehyun chose the medical one, he always dreamed of becoming the doctor and he was kind and loved to help people. meanwhile Taeyong decided for art classes, he loved to draw and create things since he used to help his mother in fashion industry. thought Taeyong's final wish was to be arhitect, he still had long way to go to find a full time job.

till then he used to stay at home, taking care of the house, sending kinds to kinder garden and school, and visiting his mother's atelier.

Jaehyun found a job in busan's hospital. many times he had to work till late night hours, so when he finally returned home everyone were already sleeping. sometimes he and Taeyong didn't see each other for like 3 days. since Taeyong woke up early and left. but luckily his boss was still giving him enough of holidays, and Jaehyun deeply cherished those precious moments when he spend his time with family.

Jaehyun finally got his first well paid job, thought Taeyong alone was rich enough, but Jaehyun didn't want to depend on him and like a good boyfriend he always offered to help.

it was friday and Jaehyun was talking with his working partner. they were in the middle of the break, and were walking towards the cafeteria to grab a lunch. when Jaehyun's phone suddenly started to buzz.

"just a minute Hyungsoo, i think Taeyong is calling me."

Hyungsoo smiled and went towards the cafeteria to find a good place to sit down.

~ 1 incoming call from Taeyongie ~ 

"yes, honey?"

"hey Jaehyun, sorry to disturb your lunch but that's the only time you're available."

"that's alright Taeyong, i told you i'm always here if you need me. is something wrong?"

"actually, not at all, i mean Hansol called me early this morning and invited me to go shopping with him. he said it's really important, but i can't bring kids with me."

"oh, i see did he told you why he needs your help thought?"

"no, not at all, he said he will tell me in details once we meet. should we hire a babysitter or something, i asked my mom but she has too much work and dad is on business trip in los angeles."

"i will see, actually i'm free this weekend so we might won't have to hire a babysitter, i can take care of kids, there is no problem."

"really? you would do this? aren't you tired of working all week?" Taeyong asked worriedly.

"hey love, it's okay they are my kids after all. i can finally spend more time with them, it's sad because you won't be there with us."

"i'm sorry. i will join you later guys, okay?"


"i have to go now Jaehyun, i still have to send few emails and go to shop for material that arrived yesterday. eat well, love you!"

"love you too."

Jaehyun closed his phone and followed Hyungsoo. why would Hansol call Taeyong he thought. they often went out together for groceries and stuff but what would be so important that Hansol needed Taeyong to go with him? 

Jaehyun was deeply in his thoughts, he didn't even noticed he already reached the cafeteria and went in line. he picked the blue tray and took some fried rice with kimchi and lemonade. Hyungsoo waved his hand, and Jaehyun sat down in the opposite way of him.

"so, was Taeyong who called you?" Hyungsoo asked.

"yes, he had some information to tell me, nothing serious thought."

"ah, i see. well, let's finish this quickly. i heard we have new patients waiting."


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✨ author's note! ~

hyungsoo it's just random name i thought of, it doesn't have any connection with nct or kpop in general xD hope u liked this so far, next chapter will be better/longer. this is just epilogue kinda part xD ✨

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