A/N + Backstory

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A/N Thanks for coming and reading this book! If you are new here welcome and if you can from one of my other books welcome back. If you don't know I have two other books, one is another Zach Herron fanfic and the other is a wdw smut book so go check those out. Also I'm using the same name as the girl in my other Zach Herron fanfic book so sorry if you get confused. 


My name is Chiara McRae and I'm 14 years old about to be a freshman in high school. Let me tell you about my best friend Zach Herron. Our parents were all friends in high school first off and ended up being neighbours living beside each other. My mom is a marine and my dad works with Zach's dad in company they started together. Zach's mom is basically my mom since my mom is not home because of her job. A lot of the time Zach and I are together at his house since our dads work really hard and don't come home until later, my dad thought it would be best to stay at his house instead of being home alone and it's been like this ever since kindergarten. 

Everyone likes to say that Zach and I are twins because we were both born on May 27th but I was born two hours after he was. I was born 3 weeks early and he was born 2 weeks late. We had to be in these incubator things at our parents always say that we would look through the glass and smile at each other. We have always had a connection since day one. We are talking to the point where we used to take baths with each other when we were babies and would go over to each others' house everyday which even now is still the case. 

Ever since we were both little kids we always liked music. We took piano lessons together and played and sang together up to now. We both had separate Youtube channels but we'd help each other make videos. The only time we were really apart was dinner sometimes, sleeping and when he had soccer and I had dance. 

My girl best friend is Chloe, we are really alike but at the same time really different but we have been friends since the first grade. We were what you would call popular but not like the queen bee type popular although some people thought we were. I have a lot of other friends but Clo as I like to call her is my main go to other than Zach. 

I started thinking of Zach as more than a friend about last year. I started to get this feeling like I needed to be closer to him. But I know who he likes... Clo. He started liking her last year and when he asked me if I could find out if she likes him I got all jealous and that's how I knew I liked him. I kept telling both of them lies like I would tell Zach Clo likes someone else and I'd tell Clo Zach doesn't like anyone. 

So that's my life... for now.

Zach Herron Fanfic- Boy-FriendWhere stories live. Discover now