Traumatic fear

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Kate's POV
I wake up to my 6am alarm and stretch in bed almost hitting madi. Madeline stayed up with me last night as I couldn't sleep. I told her everything and how I was feeling, was so  supportive and wise in what she said. She gave me advice and said that Luke is a good guy and I should have him stay round more often to keep me safe.

I get out of bed and freeze as I hear noises down stairs. Oh go please don't tell me that serial killer, oh what's his name, Franco Gills is in my house now. I quickly walk to the door and silently shut it. Whilst walking over to madi on her side and quietly trying to wake her up I here more foot steps and a mans voice. Is he on the phone.

"Madi, mads, Madeline. God Madeline please wake up" I say with a normal speaking volume but sounded so shaken. I feel my eyes burn up and I feel tears rushing down my face as I hear my heart thump and pound in my tight chest. I can barely breathe.

"Shit" I'm having another panic attack. I shake Madi to wake her up and she does. She I start to

"Kate, oh god what's wrong." She hugs me and I cry as she stays quiet. I manage to get out.

"Killers downstairs" I sob loudly "Franco-Gills. The-the serial killer. He's downstairs and he's going to kill us" at that moment I hear foot steps which seem so loud in my head than they probably are. I feel my self sweat and get dizzy.

"Shhh Kate I'm sure it's not him." As the foot steps get to the door and the guy open the door, I'm relieved that it wasn't him. It was Luke. Im so traumatised I thought Luke was the killer. The thought of what that guy wants to do to me makes me disgusted. My stomach starts swirling, before I even say anything I run to the toilet and throw up.

"Woah, woah Kate." Lucas runs after me and holds my hair back as vomit into the toilet. After nothing else comes up I collapse into the bathroom cupboards as I exhale an exhausted relief. I sit there with my head flopped I feel stinging tears fall. Luke comes and sits next to me and hugs me tight.

"Madi, what happened?" I hear him speak with such a serious tone which sends a shiver all over my body. I see Madeline leaning against the door frame and tell him what happened.

"Luke, she's traumatised. You have to stay with her from now on. Sam is going back to the hospital tomorrow to do his tests so he won't be here as often." Wait what? Sam is going back to the hospital!

"What did you just say? Sam is..." I run out the room and slam open Sam's bedroom door. "Why didn't you tell me? Sam you always tell me! Does this mean..."

"Sis, look I'm sorry I really am but I know you are dealing with a lot right now. Me and my situation will just add to your stress and worries. I will make it, I promise just like last time." I see he is sacred through those brown watering eyes. I walk to him and squeeze him tight. "Kate, what happened a while ago I heard crying and someone throwing up. Was that you?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty shaken up and was scared to death that the serial killer had broken in and was about to kill me. Then when Luke walked through the door I felt sick and threw up in the toilet. I'll be alright." I smile at him and he smiles back. After our chat and I go back to my room.

"Kate, I thought he told you I'm sorry. It wasn't my right to tell you." Madi looks at me with such a sorrowful expression.

"Really it's alright, I'm glad I found out. I don't think I'm comfortable going on a run this morning"

"You aren't going to school, Mr Harice has let us off for a week. I'll stay with you today."

"No Luke. I was talking with Madi last night and I've come to the decision of going to my classes as usual. The more I segregate myself the more I'll get traumatized. You don't want me becoming scared of going outside, do you."

"No. Definitely not. Fine you can go to class. I agree with not going out on a run, how about we head to that gym next to our Uni and then shower and get ready for class there. We can go straight from the gym to class. We can meet Madi, Mark and Georgina at school."

I reply with a strong yes. "Yes that sounds like a good idea. You alright with that Mads"

"I might actually join you guys. I need little stress relief and also I'm getting a bit creeped out by this stalker." I think everyone is starting to feel on edge. We pack a our bags and head to the gym and all the way whilst walking I stayed close to Luke. I think I need him now which I never thought I'd say about a guy.

We all work out and get very sweaty. I blushed when I saw Luke's muscles working on the equipment. He saw and just smirked. Does he know that I like him? As that thought dissolves whilst I rinse off in the shower and get dressed. We all meet out side and head to class. As we enter the class everyone looks up and begins to ask questions like if I'm alright or do I need any support. Mr Harice walks away from his desk and comes towards me.

"Why are you here? You need to rest and look after yourself."

"I'm quite traumatized and ended up being sick this morning because of it. Last night I thought things over and think that I should attend class as usual to keep my sanity"

"Wow well I suppose that is true. Just ask for help or support if you need okay. We are all here for you"

After that I go sit down next to Luke and start to paint the drawing of my brother I did last lesson. I wonder if Franco the serial killer will be caught?

Writers message:
Heya! You enjoying? I really am not planning this and just coming up with a new plot each chapter and mainly streaming from my head. Let me know if you want me to add anything in. Also please share this story as a present to me. I'd love it if you could.

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