Mr Harice

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Kate's POV
As we enter the school gate I see out the corner of my eyes I see that stalker again. Why did he follow me to school. He followed me on Friday as well. I wonder if Luke has noticed. Coming out of my thoughts I see Madeline out side the doors of the school. She texted me on the way here that she was going to wait for me and Lucas.

I'm going round her house today and also get to go Christmas shopping with her. I need to tell her about everything that's happened over the weekend. Especially the part about that stalker.

"Kate! Luke!" She hugs us both and we make our way to class. We sit down at our desks and I see a middle aged man walk in with a very sleek and bold style. He looks like someone who has come out of a model magazine. He's wearing a tight black turtle neck top which has long sleeves, a smart brown long coat and dark blue jeans with a brown belt.

Madi leans over and speaks with a hushed voice "That's our cool teacher, Mr Harice."

Oh so this is the teacher people have been saying is awesome. "Good morning guys! Ah, you must be Kate Griffin. I have heard a lot about you from the other students this morning. They say your art skills are very good. May I see your piece?" I start to feel happy but then awkward as a I realise a real art teacher is asking to see my work. I don't know if I want to. I look towards Luke and he smiles a big grin and nods.

"Y-Yeah sure." I pick up my A1 case which is massive and slide out my A1 sheet of paper. Everyone has done A2 but I wanted to challenge myself and do a larger sheet. I feel my hands clam up with sweat and nerves running through my body for Mr Harice's reaction.

"Oh wow. Wow, wow, wow, this is phenomenal!" He has a has a shocked expression and he seems emerged in the painting. "Kate, I must be honest I didn't think you would be a University standard artist when I got told a late submission was joining the school, but you have proved me very wrong." I feel a huge wave of relief rush over me.

The rest of the class come swarming over and just like that they all start complimenting me and some even taking photos of my flower. Madi looks at me and grins.

"What did I tell you? You are an amazing artist. This will be the start of your career." She smiles and gets to work on her city painting. Shes using water colour.

I see in the corner of my eye as people sit back down, a girl still sitting at her desk at the front looking at me. That must be the the principle's daughter. "Madi, whats the principles daughter name?"

"Cathleen, why?" I gesture towards Cathleen with my head.

"Well, it seems Cathleen has got her eyes on me. Do you think she will do something?" Luke over hears and joins our conversation.

"I bet she's jealous because your such a better artist than her. Don't worry, now Mr Harice loves you he won't let her bother you" He smiles at me with a reassuring look. For the rest of class we focus on our first topic which is on portraits and sketching humans.

After 2 hours of art, Luke, Madi and I go to the canteen to have lunch. Is a very open space and is open to the reception as well. It's a very modern style and floor to ceiling windows surround the front and the corner of the building. There's square and rectangular tables with slick black and white chairs. The canteen has a Costa and a Starbucks service machines and high food the cooks make with waitress service. We sit down with some other students in our class called Mark Danice and Georgina Wilton. We all talk and eat our lunch.

Everyone was asking questions why Luke and I had the same lunch. Before I left the house to meet Luke I made my lunch and decided to make his one as well.  He usually has the food at the canteen but I thought I'd introduce him to my lunches.

"Kate, you make your lunches right? Well yours looks damn good." Mark says whilst taking another spoonful of his chicken, mushroom and leek soup which he ordered from the canteen. We have basically a cafe/restaurant in our Uni. It's amazing quality for a reasonable price.

"Yeah, I do. Today I have spicy rice with chicken, cabbage, sweet pepper and a bottle of water."

"Wait, Luke you have the exact same lunch! Is something going on between you two? Are you dating?" Madi looks at Luke then at at me then back at Luke.

"Oh my god, you guys are dating! Aww you guys look so cute together." Georgina squeals like a 5 year old receiving new toy. Would Lucas and I look good together? Would we even make a good couple?

"No guys, we aren't. We have just become really close friends over the weekend and what made that so easy is that we live near each other. He is joining me on my morning runs and today I thought I'd make him lunch" As they calm down on us being a couple, I change the subject onto Christmas.

We talk about who we have coming for Christmas, do we need to buy presents or anything about Christmas at all. Madeline mentions us going shopping after we stay behind to do some art. We finish our lunch and as I put my container which had the rice and everything in into my bag, I notice a black figure standing at the front desk talking to that young desk lady. I tense up and begin to feel sick. I look towards Luke and he then notices.

He tells the others and we decide its best to avoid him and go the long way round he back. I hold onto Madi's arm and focus on my breathing as we turn our backs on the strange person to walk the other way. Looks at me concerned, mouth and eyes which are ask me to explain as soon as we get back to the classroom.

As we walk out side I see Mr Harice come out of the staff room building and sees us. He comes over and looks straight at me. "Kate why is the most wanted serial killer in the school asking the receptionist for Kate Griffin?"
My heart sinks and I loose consciousness. I faint just as I hear Luke swear under his breath.

Writers message:
Hello guys sorry this was uploaded so late my other sister has come down early for Christmas so I was spending time with her. I will still keep my promise on that Christmas and new year chapter.
Stay tuned!

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