After School Discovery

18 1 0

Lucas's POV

Today felt like a normal day. Me drawing sketches of my little sister and painting my picture of my mother all day. They mean the most to me. I used a lot of my mums money to get art supplies as we aren't that rich so I have a job at Hobby Craft (an art and craft store). I get discounts now and get paid.

I should of gone to bed earlier...I am so tired.

 Just then as I was about to put my head on the table the classroom door opens and Mrs Fellick comes in. A girl follows her in, she must be a new student. I'm the only one who notices them walk in. When she tells us she is a newbie I look back at the well dressed girl. She looks pretty and delicate yet serious and organised. Her hair, the way it is loose over her ears and frames her face.

What am I thinking? I have just looked at her and am already developing a crush.

I get back to my drawing and listen to the conversations she starts having. Kate is such a radiant name for her. 

Hmm...what if I just secretly sketch her. I can't help it, she is too gorgeous not to.

As I look up at her frequently whilst sketching her and I think she notices. Looking up again to see her eyes locking with mine. Her perfect eyes and soft lips. I just smile at the perfection of her face and her comforting sound of her voice.

Kate's POV

As everyone leaves to go home I get out my watercolour paints and practice painting petals and leafs. Katie looks at me surprised "You staying as well?" She has lifted eyebrows and a little smirk. 

Why is she smirking?

"Yeah, are you then?" I ask making a bit of room for her.

"No. I have to get home before I go to tutor my student. It's just that Lucas stays after school everyday. Have fun yeah!" She winks and leaves until all goes quite and realise I'm alone with Lucas.

I have not a fricking clue why but that thought makes me happy.

I look over to him and smile. "Can I come over and see whatcha drawing?" I ask with a gentle smile so I don't seem creepy. Lets see if we can become friends with him?

"Er.. yeah sure." He quickly shuts his note book and continues his A3 sheet sketch. What is in that note book that made him shut so quickly. 

Crap. Was he drawing me? 

"That is such a cool piano! Like, really good. Do you play?" He suddenly goes cold and tense.

"No, I wish. My brother did. It's his death anniversary this coming weekend so I want to finish this for then." My heart sinks. He so loving of his brother it's making me adore him but I know this is a personal topic so I wont be nosy. 

"Oh I'm sorry." quickly changing topic knowing he wouldn't want to much sorry comments. "Anyway, can I come sit nearer too you. My phone has ran out of battery so I can't listen to music. I'd love to get to know ya better." I say with the best smile I can offer so he would forget about his loss of his brother.

"Yeah sure. I actually want to see your work, since you are the newbie. Can you even draw?" He smirks. I stick my tongue back at him and smile with happiness. Thankfully his tightness begins to drop.

He is cheeky that's for certain. 

I move all my stuff next to him and and show him my sketch of my Peony flower. "Its my favourite type of flower." I look at him and admire his facial features as he admires my work. "Am I good at drawing?" I ask to question his opinion to see if he will change his mind.

"Heck yeah! That is amazing." He looks at me with his wide eyed, shocked and smiley faced. His jawline and cheek bones are sharp yet soft. "By the way, my name is Lucas."

"I know, Kate told me- wait-" Suddenly I realise I am basically telling him I was talking about him.

Crap. Crap. Crap.

"Ohh so you and Kate were talking about me. Haha. Well I wasn't expecting to hear this! Haha!" He laughs hard and I catch his hard laugh. Now we are just laughing our heads off. I try and explain my self get no where so I just admit we were talking about him.

"Okay so we were taking about you but I saw you drawing me!" His face drops and he goes still. His cheeks begin to turn slightly pink, He is blushing! Aww how cute.

"Ha! Caught ya! Well, let me see the sketch." He quickly grabs his note book and shoves it in his back pack. He places his back pack on the desk and keeps a hand on it, guarding it from me. I couldn't help but grin at the victory, well, tie should I say. I got my comeback sharp and sweet.

"No! You will never see it. Only my eyes can see the drawing." He sticks his tongue out at me then smirks. 

Woooah. He just smirked. Alert! He just smirked!

"I will see it and I will bring force if I have to!" I leap for his bag and he pulls it out of my reach as if he knew my every move. In no time I reach his lap and feel his muscular thighs beneath my stomach. He reaches my arms and pulls me up. 

Well, shit.

"Sorry...I-I was trying to get your note book." My face is burning up real fast. His lips begin to form a grin with a sinister look.

"Mhmm. Sure, not trying to seduce me are we now?" He laughs and starts packing his things. I begin to follow. I feel so embarrassed, gosh I'm such a clut's. "Hey, how are you getting home? I can walk you home if you want, I bet your scared to be alone because you phone is dead." He smirks yet his eyes give a concerned meaning.

"Yeah, I tend to walk. My house is near the river next to the Costa Coffee." His face brings a surprised look. What is it this time?

"Really? That's cool, I live there too. Except on the opposite side of the river. Perfect, I'll walk you to your house since it's on the way" That is amazing - no. No! I'm not going to crush on him. Kate, no more boys, all the do is break your heart! 

You can't let your self be fooled.

Writers message:

Hope you like it! two more chapters will be release in the next couple of days so be ready!

TTaylor x

Artistic LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon