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I ran as fast as my feet would take me. I went past the border and down the road until I couldn't keep moving. I found a little bushes area so nobody would be able to find me and I could make a quick run for it if I needed to. I sat on a huge rock and thought about what my next move was going to be.

I could go to my mom's and Paul's but that's where they would look first but, on the other hand I had no water, food, or shelter. So I decided to start walking there now because the sooner I leave here the sooner I get there. I walked for about half an hour before I found a taxi to take me to my mom's apartment.

I couldn't believe I had exactly enough money to pay for the ride. The taxi driver brought me to the door of the apartment building. I got out and handed the money to the driver who sped away at ninety miles per hour. I guess he had wanted to get away from me but, I have no idea why he would do that because I didn't do anything to him.

Well I feel loved now. I made my way inside to find the elevator is broken. Great I get to walk up ten flights of stairs, so fun right. It sucked and I know what your thinking The great Percy Jackson saviour of Olympus twice was to lazy to walk up some staircases. To answer your question yes I am. It didn't take me long to get up the stairs but still it sucked. Anyway I made it to my mom's apartment and knocked on the door. I sat there for five minutes.

I knocked again and finally the door opened. There in front of me was a small little girl about four years old with blonde hair and blue eyes and she had tan skin. "Hello" she said. "Um hi" I said. "Is Sally Jackson here". "Yes" the little girl said. Not two seconds later did my mom come around the corner with flour all over her and the smell of fresh baked cookies filled my nose.

"Um sweetie can you go help your father with his work" my mom said. "Okay mommy". She started skipping down the hall with a big smile on her face. "So did you adopt her" I asked. "No we didn't adopt her" my mom said with venom in her voice. I raised my eyebrow. Then I let out all of my anger out on her. "I HAVE A SISTER AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME" I screamed at her. "I didn't want her in harm's way". I don't want her around you and the stupid mythological world".

I could already feel the tears coming down my face. Then I couldn't control it any longer. I screamed and when I say that I don't just mean  like a toddler, I mean so loud the glass shattered and a hurricane started off the coast of New York. I knew that because I could feel it. When I finally calmed downed I looked around and saw my mom's apartment in ruins and fight behind my mom was Paul my sister.

Paul was scared out of his mine that if I wasn't this mad I would have laughed at his face. "Percy I" she started but I cut her off. "Don't" I said with venom in my voice. "I see nobody wants me so I will just be leaving now" I said sadly. I turned around and walked away before they could say anything to me.

I got about a mile away from the apartment building when a giant portal opened up and a man in a black trench coat walked out of it. If you look closely you can see mini galaxies in his eyes. "Who are you" I asked. "It would be better if I showed you" he said before he put his hand on my forehead.

All I felt was pain, it hurt so badly but, as soon as it started it was gone and I remembered my life before earth. I remembered that my last name is chaos not Jackson. "Let's go home father" I said. He opened a portal and we walked in.


So yah you know what happened to me and why  I'm here on planet chaos and not earth. It's been ten years since then and my life has been great ever since. "Commander chaos needs you in his office immediately" my messenger said. "I will be there as fast as I can" I replied. Great I thought I get to go on another mission. I just hope it's not earth.

Percy Jackson Primordial Power (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now