Chapter 2 Percy meets the Avengers

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Chapter 2

After Percy had grabbed a few things from his room, they left. They appeared at Stark Tower, nearly in ruins. There was rubble everywhere. Loki carried the young boy in his arms. Loki looked sour the window, and saw all the Chitauri terrorizing the city of Manhattan. Loki set the bit down and looked around. He will have to make his son a room soon. And he will need a new name. Egill. That should do it.

He felt something tugging his cloak. He looked down and saw the young child.

"Where's mom?" He asked.

"I am sorry, my son." Loki said, not sorry at all. "But there was an explosion, and I couldn't save her. She is dead. But I am still here, and I will take care of you. And your new name will be Egill. The Midgardians may call you Perseus, or Percy, if you wish, but to me, you will be Prince Egill, my son and Heir."

"Egill. I like it dad." Ie smiled up at the older man. Then frowned. "What are Midgarians?"

Loki laughed. "Midgardians, my son. They are the people you will rule when I am old and frail. They are the people on this planet. Do not fret. As soon as I conquer this world, you will have a good education. One worthy of Asgard."

"What's Asgard?"

"It is my home. You shall see it soon."

An hour later, the war was over. The Avengers had won. During the battle, Tony Stark had come to talk to Loki. Loki had hidden his son, and had told him to stay there. Then, when the Hulk came, he had been smashed into the floor.

Percy, or Egill, had stayed in the closet, and had fallen asleep. Loki had given him plenty of toys to keep him there.

The Avengers went to Stark tower after the battle to arrest the asgardian.

Loki moaned as he got up. He saw the Avengers in front of him. Hawkeye had his bow aimed at his face and all the Avengers were around him.

"Stand down, Loki." Hawkeye said.

Loki sat still. Only his eyes moved. They darted between the Avengers, and the closet his son was hiding in.

Captain America noticed this, and looked in that direction.

"What are you hiding, Loki?" Captain asked, as he walled over to the closet.

"No! Do not go there!" Loki protested. Bit it was too late. Captain America had his hand on the doorknob and was about to open the door.

All the Avengers watched as the Captain opened the door. They couldn't see what was inside.

The captain looked down at the small boy, who was fast asleep. Gently, he bent down and grabbed the six year boy. The boy stirred in his sleep, but didn't wake.

"Who is that, brother?" Thor asked.

"It is none of your buisness!" Loki snarled. "Put him down!"

With that, the boy woke up. "Dad?" He asked, looking around. He saw Loki on the floor and smiled. "Daddy, what are you doing on the floor?"

"A guy that you don't know is carrying him and he os in a room with people who have weapons aimed at his father's face, and the first thing that he asks is why his dad is on the floor?" Iron Man asked.

"Daddy?" The boy questioned.

Thor looked between the two. "Loki, you are a father?"

Loki lowered his head. "Yes."

The Avengers were stunned. They stood there a while before Black Widow broke the silence. "We need to take them to Fury."

"What?!" Loki exclaimed. "You will not take my son to that man!"

"Loki, you have an arrow and several guns pointed and ready to shoot. I don't think you have much of a say in this." Hawkeye said.

Loki backed down and scowled. They handcuffed him and led him to the helicarrier.

They walked in and Fury was waiting for them. "Well, well, who do we have here?"

Percy, who had been holding onto his uncle Thor's hand, started jumping. "My daddy, me, and superheroes!" He exclaimed.

Fury turned his one good eye on the boy. "Who's this?"

"My name is Percy! But my daddy calls me Egill! My full name is Perseus, but don't call me that. Only mommy can call me Perseus. And daddy calls me Egill!" Young Percy exclaimed.

"And who is your father?" Fury questioned, raising his eyebrows.

Percy pointed a small finger at the man in green. "That's my daddy." Then he pointed at Thor. "And this is my uncle. He can summon lightning and make stuff explode!"

Fury looked at the heroes around him. "Is this true?"

Captain America nodded. "Loki has confirmed it. This is his son."

Fury nodded. Then turned to Thor. "The boy should stay here. You can take Loki back to Asgard. Now, the boy can't go to a foster home or orphanage, he'll be too powerful. SHIELD will raise him."

Loki snarled. "He will not grow up here!"

Fury turned towards the man. "You don't have a say in this. It's settled."

Gaurds came and took Loki to his cell. Percy took one last look at his father before he disappeared.

"Bye daddy." Then he turned to the man in black. "Mr. Eye patch man, what is going to happen to my daddy?"

Iron Man, or Tony Stark, laughed. "I like this kid. Mr. Eye patch man, that's funny."

"We can tell you that later. Rogers, can you please take care of our little 'guest'?"

The Captain nodded. He grabbed tthe young boy's hand from Thor and led him down a hall. They stopped at a room and opened the door.

The room was huge, but there wasn't anything in there other than the bathroom, a closet, a bed, a table next to it, and a lamp. All the walls were painted white and the bed sheets were also white. The only other color was the wooden table.

Percy looked around, then turned to the man standing next to him. "Why is it all white?"

The super soldier looked down. "Because we need to paint it. I guess you'll be staying here a while, so what color would you like?"

The boy didn't even have to think. "Blue!"

Steve chuckled. As the young boy ran into the room and started to look around. He promised himself that no matter what, he was going to raise the boy and be the father he never knew.

And, that's chapter 2! I am already working on chapter 3. I hope you like it! I should update soon. Tell me what you think of the story so far! Is there some things that need to be changed? Let me know, I always like it when people help me improve my writing. Thanks!


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