Chapter 24: Little?

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I woke up feeling warmth, my head was on Ace's bare chest and her arms around me. I felt my cheeks burned waking up with this position and also remembering what happened last night.

I hear her snore, oh she's cute. I decided to play with her face, I pinch it and pinch it until her eyes suddenly opened. Her green eyes were like the color of nature, that hypnotize me.

"Good morning" I greeted, she slowly slid her arms from me and look down seeing us both naked, then look back to me.

"Oh Annah, it was really real. I thought its just a dream" she muttered and got up wearing her boxers, then she sit at the bed beside me. I observe her, I know she's fighting with herself not to look down at my naked body. I smirked.

"Ace" I called.


"Come here" I motioned for her to come even closer to me, and she obliged.


I run my fingertips on her bare shoulders to her chest slowly push her, and got on top of her. She tried to move but I trapped her, my legs between her thighs. My knee were near her crotch, "Move again and I'll hit your thing with my knee" I smirked. I look down at her, "I thought you're as bad as my big sister, your play mate. You two are so bad and tough in any way, but why in bed you're so weak. You're still a virgin before we did that, right?" I asked her, her eyes widened but didn't speak. "Oh yeah, I'm right. Silence means yes" I said but she didn't deny it, so I'm first, I'm glad.

"How about you? Hmm, well, as expected. I know that you're not a virgin anymore before that last night" she spoke, I glared at her.

"My knee is ready down there, you're really pushing it, aren't you? For your information, you're my first. Yeah, I have lovers before, but I never let them touch me to the point that it will end on the bed"

"Oh alright, chill. Can you release me now?" She pleaded.

"Make me" I winked, she sighed. I felt her hand at the back of my head and pull down causing my lips to land on hers, and she flipped us over pulling away.

"I'm going to the bathroom" she said and leave me.

Oh Ace, you're really my ace in life.


Since that night when we fought, she's so cold towards me. I tried to warm her up, and do anything possible to coo her but its like she goes back to her old self being the ice princess. This is all Liam's fault, I shouldn't have done that but how did he know that. Did she send someone to spy on me? Doesn't she trust me anymore? Oh how sad.

I was watching the two kids play at the carpeted floor, I was currently sitting on the couch where I slept again.

"Daddy? Why are you sleeping there, these past few days? Why not sleep in the room with mommy?" Bea asked, oh how should I answer that.

"Um well, me and your mommy just have  a miss understanding so yeah. We can't sleep together holding grudges at each other" I answered.

"Oh, alright" she said and put back her attention to what she plays. "Mommy!" I heard them yelled, I look at Angel who's walking down the stairs with her night gown.

She walk to us, "Hey, my babies" she kissed them. "Are you hungry?" She asked them. I noticed that her stomach had a small bump, oh I almost forgot that she's pregnant again.

"No, mommy" Bea answered. But Chian started to cry so Angel carried her. "So you're the one who's hungry?" She giggled and sit at the couch where I slept, but there's distance between us. She unbuttoned her night gown and pulled up her bra to feed Chian.

I look away from them, yeah she's my wife but I don't want to harass her by eye raping her.

"Daddy" I heard Bea uttered, I glance at her who was raising her arms. I sighed, and carry her and put her on my lap as I sat down. "You look sad, daddy" she pouted. I can see at the corner of my eyes that she glance a bit at me.

"I'm happy, sweetie, see" I tried to smile widely for her.

"Then why aren't you and mommy talking?" She asked. Does this child don't run out of questions?

"Beatrice" Angel called sternly. "Go play with your toys, first" she scolded. Well, I felt bad for Bea.

"Mommy, you're mean" she whined and get down from my lap continue playing.

Angel finally let Chain down but she put her to the walker. "Angel?" I called for her, she glance at me blankly, and raise her eyebrows.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"Z, there's nothing to talk about" she said and left going to the kitchen. Ugh, I hope this situation won't last forever.


Annah and I walk to the hallways, my arm around her shoulders. Many students stared at us but we don't mind them. I look down at Annah, she also look up at me. I pinch her nose, she's so gorgeous.

She scrunch up her nose giggling, "You're acting so different today" she commented pinching my nose as well.

"It's just that....." I leaed in to her ear "You're so gorgeous" I whispered making her rosy cheeks goes redder.

"Well well well" we heard someone interrupted us. I look up to see a masculine guy, and he's blonde.

"Ugh, Samson" Annah rolled her eyes, he know this guy? Is he her ex?

"Baby? Why are you with this little guy?" Little? The fuck! And he called her baby! My blood was boiling now but I remain my calm posture. "I believe he had also a little dick" he chuckled. Okay, that's enough! He's messing with my junior, and I won't let that happen again.

'Kill him' I heard a voice said from my mind. It's so familiar.

I remove my arms from Annah's shoulder and walk to this bulky man, I smirked at him. I grab the knife from my belt, "Go to sleep, LITTLE man" I grinned and stabbed him on the chest, he screamed in agony. I felt like one of those creepypastas. Oh, how I love his blood flowing, and his screams were music to my ears. I grinned at him and twisted the knife. I heard my name being yelled and the crowds started to grow. I heard sirens coming, I look around, they're all had scared faces.

My eyes twitched when I can't find Annah. Then I felt hands on my arms, and feel a sliver on my wrist being held at my back. I look up to see policemen, they handcuffed me! They forcefully grab me and push me to their patrol car.


1. What I did in Christmas...
At night, all I did is drink and drink and drink with my cousins, but I'm only the one who finished it. 😂🍺🍻
2. Warning...
The next chapter is more triggered and tragic.
Multimedia: Justin Bieber ft. Travis Scott - No Sense

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