Toot Toot Tootsie

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"Toot, toot, Tootsie, goodbye

Toot, toot, Tootsie, don't cry

The choo choo train that takes me

Away from you, no words can tell how sad it makes me

Kiss me, Tootsie, and then

Do it over again"

The music on Dorothy's brand new, 1922 model, radio blared as loud as it could through her large room; though the music was full of static it didn't stop Dorothy from dancing around in her cap and gown. Most would think she would have been exhausted from her high school graduation, but the ceremony was short and sweet as there was only 23 students in her graduating class. She acted oblivious to her obscenely loud music and thumping around as her father has still not returned home from work. Her father ran the biggest factory in Chicago, he had told her the he has exciting news for her when he arrives home, little does he know so does she. She has been accepted for the bachelor of science program at the university of chicago. Dorothy's dreams of becoming a doctor are becoming a reality. She knew that a woman becoming a doctor was not common but Elizabeth Blackwell defied the odds 73 years ago and many woman have since then, so if they could, why couldn't she? For god sake it's been 4 years since women could vote, what else should she have to wait for? Dorothy continued to dance around her room to the beat of the music showing off her dance moves to her imaginary audience. Though medical science was Dorothy's one and only true love, music and dancing came as a close second, not to say that was uncommon with her friends, all the young adults loved music and dance. Last year Dorothy's friend dropped out of school and joined a group that performed at one of the illegal bars in town. Dorothy snuck out to see her perform one night and fell in love with the flapper lifestyle, if it wasn't for her dreams of being a doctor she might have joined, even if it would have given her father a heart attack.

Dorothy was so indulged in her music she didn't notice the sound of the front door opening, or the sound of steel toed work boots clomping up the stairs. It wasn't till her bedroom door slammed open that she realized her father had arrived home from work.

"Turn off that racket Dorothy, and get that ridiculous outfit off, we have a visitor downstairs " Her father's voice was crisp partly from yelling at his employees all day and partly from his Cuban cigars. The little hair that was left on his head was slicked back, he wore his suit with pride as he was the only one at the factory who didn't have to wear a uniform. His skin was tan but clean, something not many men came home with after a long day of work. I guess that's one of the benefits of managing one of the biggest factories in Chicago. His nose was still slightly crooked from the time in third grade when he fell off the monkey bars and broke it, and his thin lips pursed together with impatience as he waited for his daughter. Aside from the clean skin and expensive suit he looked like any other father, except in his eyes. His eyes did not hold pride, or joy, they did not hold sadness or even anger, they were simply blank. His eyes had a numbness that with one look could freeze anyone who crossed him, except maybe his daughter.

" I'll be down in a jiff father" Dorothy said, despite her father's bitterness she still has to suppress her smile as even a man as sullen as her father could not put a damper on her spirits today.

Dorothy arrived down stairs not only to be greeted by her father but also a young handsome gentleman, sitting at their kitchen table

"Dorothy please say hello to our guest." her father states matter of factly.

"Hello I'm Dorothy." she Introduces herself assuming he is just another young man from her father's company.

" I know who you are doll face and your daddy was right you're some Sheba."

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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