Naruto's Fourth Birthday

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Kushina's P.O.V
I woke up to see Naruto still asleep so I decided to go hunt for breakfast. I turned into my fox form and when to go look for some meat. While walking I realized Naruto only had fish because I was never able to go to the village to get food so today I'll make something special because it is Naruto's birthday. Last year he was terrified of seeing a bear in this forest. So I decided for his third birthday we would take a walk and I would help teach him what animals are in this part of the woods. So this year I decided to let Naruto try a new food to him......only if I could go get good food from the store for him but that would just end bad. One of these years I wish for Naruto to live a normal life but I have a feeling that would be hard for him. I then see an adult deer. So I did what had to be done.....I killed it. Then I turned back into my human form and carried it back to the house. When I got back Naruto was still asleep.
"Hey Naruto wake up"
"5 more minutes"
"It's your birthday and I have something special"
"I wanna sleep"
I then got an idea. I took a wooden bowl and went to the river and put some water in it. After I got back a dumped it on Naruto's head and he jumped......well at least it got him up
"Good now come down"
Naruto's P.O.V
When I got out of our tree house I see something weird cooking on the fire that mom made.
"Mom what is that"
"Well since it's your fourth birthday I would like to give you another kind of food besides fish so I went and hunt for some meat"
"When will it be done"
"Only a few more minutes now Naruto.....Happy birthday"
I was sorta surprised that I was able to eat more than just fish but if it taste good then I'll definitely eat it
When it was done I rushed back over to mom after I walked off following some bugs. Sadly mom told me to wash my hand off in the river. So after I came back after washing my hands she gave me a piece of meat I took a big bite and chewed it. My face lit up and I'm guessing the mom saw because she laughed this meat was better than the fish I've always had to eat.
After we both finish eating I decided to show mom I can do my fox form
"Yes Naruto What is it"
"Watch I can go into my fox form"
Transform after a puff of smoke cleared I was in my fox form and mom cheered and soon after she turned into a fox and we ran off together around the woods. After a few hours mom stopped and looked around
Kushina P.O.V
I smell them. I smell the humans. I picked up Naruto using my mouth and ran in my fox form. Naruto kept on asking why we were running but I didn't answer him well I actually couldn't or I'll drop him. When we arrived at the house I put him down and told him to go inside and stay.
"Why mom where are you going"
"I'll be back Naruto just stay here"
He nodded so I ran off back to the sent of the humans. I saw Tsunade Minato's old sensei teammate. I saw her walking with someone I have never ment. I think Tsunade was looking for herbs to bring to the leaf for the hospital. I turned back into my human form and approached her.
"Hello Tsunade why are you here"
"K-Kushina is that you"
I nod my head not knowing if what came next was good or bad but she ran at me and hugged me so I hugged back
"So Tsunade I have a question"
"Well what are you waiting for ask it"
"Well did Minato actually die"
I saw her face turn from cheerful to sad.
"Yes he did die that day and when I found out that they were targeting you and your child I looked all over for you hoping to find you"
" yea I had to run Minato was keeping them away while I escaped even though I regret doing that"
"Hey there was nothing you could do you were pregnant oh by the way were is your child"
"He is home I smelt a sent of a human and I couldn't fully tell who it was so I brought him home but thankfully it was you and the one behind you.....with a pig"
"Oh her name is Shizune and I wanna meet him come on bring him here"
"H-hello and nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you to Shizune and I'll bring Naruto I guess but he has never been around a human so I wonder what will happen....hopefully it will go good"
I turned back into a fox and I saw Shizune beginning to be scared I told her not to worry as I ran off to go get Naruto.
When I got back home I see Naruto playing in the water outside our house. I walk up to him and tell him to follow me. I could see that he was confused but if I told him I don't know what he would do
When we arrived back with Tsunade and Shizune I turned into my human form and told Naruto to do the same which he did. Then we walked back up to them
"Hello Tsunade we are back and this is little Naruto" I say as Naruto is hiding behind my frightened to death. I'm starting to think he was a little to young for this so I hugged him and whispered "it's ok Naruto" into his ear as he calmed down but stayed behind me
Shizune's P.O.V
My mind is all over now. Right before my eyes is two humans one is a child and one is an adult with fox features and THEY CAN TURN INTO A FOX. I see that Tsunade knows the red head one but who is the golden hair boy.
Tsunade P.O.V
I can see a miniature Minato behind Kushina but with fox ears and tail.
"He is cute Kushina"
"Thank you Tsunade his name is Naruto....Naruto don't be afraid these people won't hurt you"
The only thing I was able to hear from the little boys mouth is "how do you know mom" I walked over to Kushina and got on my knees to Naruto's height and told him that I wouldn't hurt him and that his mother and I are friends. He looked at kushina.
"It's true Naruto" Kushina said smiling
Naruto then walked out in front of me and Kushina moved out of the way
"H-H-Hello m-my name i-is N-N-Naruto"
"Hello Naruto I am Tsunade and the other one behind me is Shizune don't be afraid we won't hurt you we came to gather herbs for medical uses"
Naruto's P.O.V
I cant believe it. Mom brought us to two humans and she is talking to them like nothing ever happened that one night. I am so scared that my mom had to keep telling me it's ok but I kept my mouth shut and shook my head. Soon mom picked me up and held me to calm me down. I was calming down but still scared at the humans who could hurt us at anytime. I then fell asleep while mom was holding me.

Yay second chapter of A Lost Fox is now complete hope you all enjoy and until next time baiii
(1319 words)

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