Chapter 12

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Willows pov

"Jacob just got there. He's good." Edward said reading Seth-wolf's mind. Suddenly Edward blinks, looking briefly disoriented, I feel Seth tense under my hand.

"Someone's hurt?" Bella asks

"Seth, go" Edward said. Seth bolts away from the campsite, fast, knowing the plan is for him to be the surprise in the fight, and give us an edge. Edward whips Bella behind him against a cliff wall and takes a defensive stance in front of her, leaving me standing to his left a bit away from him. Asshole

"She's close. I can hear her thoughts. She knew we weren't there, but she caught my scent. She knew you'd be with me." Edward said to Bella.

"She found us." Bella said

"She's not alone." Edward said, Which is when Riley steps out of the woods. Bella immediately recognizes him, is taken aback. Riley edges closer, watching Edward's every move. As they both carefully position themselves.

"Riley... Listen to me. Victoria's just using you, to distract me. But she knows I'll kill you. In fact, she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore." Edward said.

"Don't listen, Riley. I told you about their mind tricks." Victoria said

"I can read her mind, so I know what she thinks of you. She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. It's the only thing she cares about. Not you." Edward said

"She cares about her" Riley said and suddenly all the attentions on my unprotected form.

"That's right, she's cold hard evidence that you're lying." Victoria said to Edward before turning to me. "Come home Willow"

"I am home" I said.

"Come on Willow, we don't want to hurt you" Riley said impatiently.

"That's rich" I scoffed

"Monty's slip up was... Unfortunate, but he loved you, you know he did" Victoria said

"Unfortunate? He killed me!" I shouted

"And yet here you are" Riley said

"Willow my brother was an extremist, you know that. But I don't blame you for his death, just come home. You'll be safe with us. Do you really trust him?" Victoria asked nodding to Edward

"Hell no, but I'd trust anyone more than you" I said.

"Think about it, Riley. You're from Forks, you know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you." Edward said.

"Riley... Don't let him do this to us. You know I love you. Look what he did to Willow, he's brainwashed her, he's trying to do the same to you" Victoria sake.

"You're dead." Riley says as he charges toward Edward. Seth-wolf leaps from the cliff above to land on Riley, taking a chunk out of Riley's hand. Riley roars with fury and pain as Seth-wolf circles back for another attack. While Seth-wolf keeps Riley on the defense, Edward starts toward Victoria, she backs toward the trees.

"You can escape. You always do. But you won't get another chance like this again. You want Bella. You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James. When I tore him to pieces. When I turned him into ash. When I turned him into nothing." Edward says, Victoria finally erupts and charges at  Bella, But Edward never lets her get close, he intercepts her and they roll down the hill in a death grip

Riley kicks Seth-wolf hard against the cliff. Sharp shards of rock fall around Bella. Seth-wolf, battered, goes down. Riley goes in for the kill.

"Seth" I yell and run over, throwing Riley away from Seth and into a tree with my mind. I stand in front of Seth protectively as Riley runs back to try again. Edward bolts to Riley, seeing him charging at me and kicks him back, he darts to Victoria, smashing into her. As Seth-wolf struggles to rise, Riley joins Victoria's battle against Edward providing her with the tiny advantage she needs, as I help up Seth.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Bella grab a sharp piece of slate and plunge the shard downward, stabbing her arm. Blood immediately flows dripping bright red onto the white snow. Riley spins toward Bella, the scent making him wild, Victoria also catches the smell; her head whips toward Bella.

Edward seizes the moment dead drops to the ground while flipping Victoria over his head, across the clearing and into a tree breaking it in two. Edward spins on Riley who's still bedazzled by the blood. Edward rips off Riley's arm, tosses the arm aside and bolts back to Victoria. Seth-wolf, now recovered, tackles Riley and drags him screaming into the woods.

"Victoria. Victoria." Riley yells for her help. Victoria doesn't even glance at him, revelaing to Riley the painful truth.

The last thing I see of Riley is his tragically betrayed face. Then I hear the sounds of Seth tearing him apart, the metallic screeching. I walk to Bella and tear her shirt to create a make-shift bandage.

Edward charges Victoria the two clash and begin a blurred battle. Until he pummels her down and, finally, maneuvers himself behind her, gelling her in a death grip. Edward's lips are at Victoria's neck he bites a huge chunk from her neck, ripping her head off. Bella and I watch as Victoria's body crumple to the ground, I walk over with lighter in hand and set her alight. The air goes still. The atmosphere changes. This nemesis, this relentless demon, is finally dead.

"I didn't want you to see that." Edward said to Bella. She stops him, touches his face tenderly, her eyes telling him it's ok.

"I'll get some bandages for your arm." He say as he starts for the tent but Seth-wolf lets out a sharp bark. Edward turns; his expression fills with concern.

"Something's wrong." Bella said

"Alice needs us to go. And now." Edward said as Seth made it to my side once more.

"Why? What's happening?" Bella asked not receiving a response.

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