I managed to grab my knife and I quickly plunged it into the creature's chest. It shuddered and started to wither, crumbling flesh and bones falling on me. I quickly got up and wiped the remains off of me, repulsed by it. I started backing away from the sizzling ashes until I bumped into something. At first, I thought it was a car, but as I turned to see what it was, I was wrong. Another Corrupted stood there, glaring at me with crimson red eyes. It was the size of a car, but it was no car. I didn't turn my body fully around, I just craned my head just enough to stare back at it. I didn't move a muscle as we were locked into a suffocating gaze.

The knife was still in my hand. If I could just whip around quick enough to stab one of its eyes, I can buy myself time to kill it or keep my distance. A deep, low growl reverberated within its throat and I never said a word. I finally brought up enough courage to swerve around and raise my knife to attack. But I never had the chance as it smacked me to the side. I hit the asphalt of the street and coughed from the rough impact on my back. I sat up only to come face-to-face with the Corrupted. It growled again, the deep toned noise echoing in my head until it hurt. It's wide mouth full of large, piercing teeth glinted menacingly. It's large claws could crush me in an instant, if it wanted to. But I knew I couldn't let it.

The Corrupted huffed in my face but I didn't flinch. Tightly clutching my knife, I slowly got up. The Corrupted roared at me and I stopped briefly, before continuing to get up. It just kept growling as I stood in front of it, hiding back my fear as I tried giving it a defiant look. It huffed again and whipped a tail from side-to-side. It's intimidating me. I frowned and put my arms up, trying to do the same. It growled and pawed at the ground. "You think this is a game, don't you?" I muttered to it. It opened it's mouth to stifle a long hiss, the cold, winter air making a cloud of steam come from it. "Fine then," I growled, "I'll play."

At this, it roared loudly and lunged forward to snap at me. I quickly dodged to the left and swiped my knife at it's black hide. It turned around and charged at me but I just kept dodging. As it was turning to face me, I swiped at its eyes. It screeched as I sliced one and it thrashed about. It stopped writhing and finally turned to me again, only one eye staring back at me, the other closed, bleeding and scared. It charged at me and I side-stepped to the right, but as it passed, its tail whipped around and caught my leg. I fell over as it picked me up and hung me upside-down. My knife slipped out of my grip and clattered onto the ground below me. I cursed under my breath and heard the Corrupted growl again.

I looked over and saw it glaring at me, looking more angered than before. It huffed and raised me up higher above its maw. It opened its mouth and that's when I started to panic. It gaped wider, and wider, and wider until it seemed physically impossible. Shit, I don't have my knife and there's no way out of its grip. The Corrupted just kept lowering me down until the pungent smell of blood engulfed me. Blood stained the inside of its mouth and I knew my blood would end up in here too if I didn't do something. I quickly raised my hands up to push against the jaws, trying to keep them from closing on me. But as I did, I accidentally stabbed my hand on one of its teeth. I screamed but didn't let go, even as the tip of the tooth jutted out of my hand, drawing more and more blood.

My blood fell onto its black tongue. The taste seemed to excite the Corrupted and it kept trying to close its mouth on me. The tooth kept stabbing into my hand more and more, my flesh tearing with each inch. I cried out in pain each time but I still never stopped trying to push back the jaws. I looked over at my hand to see black marks spreading from the wound. Dammit, I'm infected. I tried ignoring the pain coursing through my wounded hand and the arm it was attached to as I looked down into the gullet of this monster. If I let go then I'll go falling down into its throat and I'll get eaten. But I can't keep holding on like this. I'm not strong enough. But despite that I still kept resisting the force of the Corrupted's jaws.

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