''Did you put makeup??'' You stared at him without moving which was the reaction he was anticipating. 

''Pfft no~ Men don't wear makeup'' he chuckled, warmly smiling at you showing his teeth.

''Then why are you wearing it? Is there something you want to tell me?'' You slightly giggled. Jackson chuckles sarcastically.

''Heya gimme yo phone numba~''

''I don't have a phone'' You simply answered

''Such a lame way to reject someone, seriously''

''I Seriously don't have a phone anymore, my father confiscated it!'' You explained.

''You should've picked up when he called you yesterday...hope you didn't get in too much troubles'' he said, brushing his hair back by making an intense eye contact.

You snorted. The way he tried to act like a famous superstar was somehow amusing.

''Why aren't you falling for my charms??'' He cutely whined

''Trying to act cool isn't going to seduce me man, no offense''

''Then what is the kind of guy you like? ~ '' He said as he slowly reached his hand towards you, gently moving your hair out of your face. 

''woa WOA!!- hold up!'' Shocked, you slapped aways his hand, holding a spoon in your hands and pointing it at Jackson's face who instantly raised his forearms and widening his eyes. ''Don't do this when I'm actually holding something in my hand, you already know my reflexes. ''

''Ok first of all.....Why do you have a plastic spoon in your locker?'' he said, slowly moving the spoon you're holding aways from his face using his finger.

''For guys like you'' You smiled innocently, throwing aways the spoon as you started to take the books out of your locker for the first lesson.

''Aishh, I was just joking. You get startled so easily.'' he whinned '' and BY THE WAY you do agree that the makeup actually made me look hotter!''

''Because your manager forced you to wear it?'' You smirked. Trying to pick the English book from the top shelf of your locker. Unable to reach it.

''Oh well look who's the shorty now'' he sighed, walking close behind you and picking it up.

Too close..

He handed it up to you. As you were about to take it from him he suddently raised his hand.

''Ah...what about a thank you?''

''What about a kick?''

''Be nice for a moment will ya? I helped you''

The moment you opened your mouth to thank him, mark ran up behind him, grabbing the book from his hand and handing it up to you.

''Be a gentleman for a moment will ya?'' He said while he kept running towards your classroom. 

''Mark Yi-en Tuan!! Yahh!! Who asked you?!''

''Thank you Mark!!'' You screammed through the hallway. Some people even turned around to look at you and were even surprised at your sudden confidence.

''Let's go shorty best-friend we're late'' Jackson sighed in a dissapointed tone. Laying his heavy arm on your shoulder as you started walking.

''Were we even friends to begin with?'' You teased him by making a confused expression. 

''You still allow yourself to say such things even after I just tried to help you?'' He said in a funny offenssive tone.

''Well...you tried''

''.............Tell me honestly are you and Jinyoung siblings or something??''

''The bell's gonna ring in 33 seconds, RUN!!'' You shot.

Before entering the classroom, Jackson realised that someone was walking behind both of you,casually texting somebody on his cellphone. He stopped to look who it was. It was a tall boy with curly brown hair.

Probably skipping...

The boy looked at Jackson. When he spotted him, a grin appeared on the boy's face. He was smiling, but his stare didn't seem friendly at all. Jackson couldn't help but feel suspiscious about him.

Before he could actually think of anything else, the boy entered the school computer lab. 

''Weirdo..why was he smiling?....'' Jackson told himself '' Does my face look's funny?''

Without realising, the bell announcing the beggining of the first lesson rang

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Without realising, the bell announcing the beggining of the first lesson rang.

''Oh No no no no no!!'' He turned around and inserted his foot at the entrance, just at the moment the door was closing.

''Teacher pleaseeeee, I'm right here just let me enter!!''

''Jackson I let you go 7 times already! I'm sorry but I can't let this go this time..''

''8th time?'' He begged with his puppy eyes, looking at the teacher. He could hear laughter coming from the classroom.

''Get out Jackson, to the principal's office, now.''

''Sir pleaseeee I'll do anything!!''

''Hand me your phone and you can enter.'' The teacher smirked.

"......You know.. I think the principal's office is actually a pretty compfy place, I'll just go'' 

The laughter inside the classroom intensified as he left.

Invisible (Jackson Wang X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now