CH.12: "It Was Horrible."

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Mrs. Rose's P.O.V

I sit in my office, reading as always. As you can see, I still work here. Why? Because I still want to be here for the kids that enter this orphanage, and help out. I enjoy what I do, I love kids.

"Mrs. Rose?" I hear someone say, as I dart my eyes up towards in front of me. It was a man standing there with blood all over him. I gulped, becoming worried, "Who are you?", "It's me, Mrs. Rose. It's me, Agony.".

As soon as he said that, my jaw dropped, standing up out of my chair in complete shock.
"Agony? What-What are you doing here?", "I just wanted to see you. You're the first one I wanted to see. You're the only one I have, to see. Did you miss me? I sure missed you." he said, coming towards me, and hugging me.

Tears filled up in my eyes. Agony started sobbing into my shoulder. I started crying, knowing where he was this whole time of my life. I know he knew that I knew where he was, that's why he was crying to me.

"It was horrible. I hated it. They all treated me like crap. They tortured me, they called me a worthless piece of sh*t, and a b*tch. Mrs. Rose, please, I don't wanna' go back. Please don't send me back there." he sobbed, "I promise, sweetheart, I will not let that happen again." I sobbed.

We were both in full fledge tears, just crying. He's like a son to me, and I'm like a mother to him. I should have never let them send him away, it's just that there was nothing I could do. But if there was, trust me, he would have been already out of there a long time ago.

I would have saved him.

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