Chapter 4

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While Kiku was making us something to eat, I decided to take a little nap. Then I fell into a deep sleep.


My dream was really weird.

Hey. Hey you. Yeah you. I just wanted to see how you were.

Come sit down with me. Now what do you want to talk about?

Oh. I don't know what life is. Do you know how it's like.

Hell? What's that? Sorry I don't know what most things are.


Well I'm just your imagination.

Dreams? What are those?

Something that won't come true?

That sounds awful.

Oh! Sorry but I have to go.


It's was nice meeting you.


Then everything turned black.

"AHHHHH!!!!" I scream out loudly waking up.

"(F/N)-SAN! What's wrong!?" Kiku said running to my side. I was scared and didn't know why. Tears were coming down my face. I was shaking and sweating a bit. Them I grabbed Kiku into a hug. I just couldn't handle it. I just couldn't bear it. I felt him tense up but hugged me back soon after. He started petting my head and calmed me down a bit. Still I was crying.

"(F/n)-san, do you feel better?"

I shook my head no.

"I'm far from better... I'm sick and tired of everything, everyone hates me. I'm cursed with a horrible life!" I started to cry harder. " I wish I could just die!"



"Don't kill yourself. That's stupid to say. You may be going through a rough time, but there are people out there that love you dearly." I was shocked at his words.

"In a part of my life..." He sighed. "I had a crush on you..." What....

"Everything about you was perfect I loved you." He kissed my four head. Them his smile turned to a sad face. "But then Arthur-san came. You acted so different around him. Then I realized I couldn't do anything to make you love me. But I always wanted to see you happy. Your smile was beautiful. You are what's keeping me going."

He brought me closer to him and hugged me tighter. "Even though you love Arthur-san so much, I will always love you. So please don't end your life."

That was it I lost it. I started to cry uncontrollably. I buried my face in Kiku's chest. I've been making him suffer. I'm so stupid. He, one of my first friends here, how could I have done this. But I can't change my feelings I like Arthur.

But he wouldn't like me back. He likes that other girl, if he didn't, he would of said no to her.

"Let me go get you the food I made. I'll be back. There's a spare shirt that doesn't fit me anymore. Plus some shorts. Sorry that I don't have girl clothes," he said as he left. I closed the door and grabbed the and took off my other clothes. I put on the shirt and shorts. It felt weird wearing his clothes. But they kinda fit me.

Knock. Knock.

That wasn't the bedroom door.

I heard the front door open, and someone talking. Then footsteps come up the stairs.

"It's been a while since I seen (F/N). I wonder why she left. But I just came over to talk. That's all." A familiar voice said.

I know that voice.

I heard the door knob. The door!

I went into under the bed and stayed quiet.

"Huh? I thought I heard something."

It's Arthur!



And sorry this is a horrible story. ;////;

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