16. No Chance It's a Coincidence- Cora

Start from the beginning

"Well, I doubt that, but thank you. Can I get a table?"

"Sure thing, Miss. I'll have Luca set you up at a beautiful table."

I said thanks and my smile grew. Luca was working. It would be nice to talk to him for a bit without an aggravating singer boy interrupting and being rude.

Alfonzo called to Luca and he waddled back to the kitchen.

"Hey," Luca said as he walked up to me, menu in hand. "Cora, right?"

I nodded, happy he remembered. "Right." I pointed at him. "Luca."

He grinned and nodded, mirroring my actions. "Right." Even though, he'd waited on us many times over the week, we'd never really spoken thanks to E.

We stood smiling slightly at each other in silence for a second before he shook his head. "Uh, right this way, Cora."

I followed him to a table in the very front of the building. I slid into the cracked vinyl booth and grabbed keenly for the menu he tossed down in front of me.

"Eager are ya?" Luca eyed me scanning the menu.

I looked up from my scouring and met his eyes. "Hey, if you walked an hour to get here, you'd be eager for food too."

Luca's easy grin dropped immediately from his face and his eyes widened. "You walked through Los Angeles for an hour by yourself just to get here?"

"Yeah, why?"

Luca shook his head and lowered himself into the bench across from me. "You're either really brave or really stupid."

My eyebrows shot up. "Thanks?"

"What? No. I mean- it's LA. It's dangerous out there."

I shrugged and explained the no car, taxi hate thing to him.

"I guess that's fair, but my point still stands. LA is a dangerous city, or it can be at least."

I smiled in reply but didn't agree. "Aren't you supposed to be working?"

He looked down at his red apron and the order pad in his hand. "Yeah I am, but Alfonzo's my uncle so, oh well."

"Well then."

I shook my head then looked at him. The first time I saw him he was good looking. This time, he was extremely good looking. His wavy, dark brown hair had a slightly longer cut to really showcase the slight waves and was messy, but not in a way that said he didn't style it. More like he knew he looked better when every hair wasn't in its perfect place. Of course, they were in their perfect place though, because the way it was made look nearly irresistible.

I noticed several things in a short amount of time at that table. First was that he had one simple black stud in his left earlobe and black lip ring on the left side of his bottom lip that gave him a daring look. Second was that his olive skin tone contrasted mine in a beautiful way as our hands rested on the table. And the third was that the hair and skin gave him a darker look that was offset by the bright white shirt and red apron. A shirt, mind you, that was tight enough to display the muscles in his arms and chest, but not tight enough that it made me think he was showing off. This guy had fashion figured out and I knew my mom would absolutely love to meet this guy and hear how he chose his "daily attire" as she calls it.

None of this, however, was the most alluring part of his appearance. I know, surprising. But it was Luca's eyes that were the part which captured and held my attention. They were a really dark shade of caramel that swirled and mixed together with lighter and darker shades of brown. The closer I looked the more colors I could see. Caramel, amber, and honey colors twirled together into a beautiful display that reminded me of all the chocolates being melted and mixed together. In his right eye, amidst the brown there was one small spec of blue that shown through and captured my gaze.

By Chance (Accidentally In Luck #1)Where stories live. Discover now