Chapter 17- I can do this

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Picture of Eli ^^

"Hey babe can you keep an ear out for Amelia? Kaitlyn wants to hang out for a couple of hours. If that's cool with you?" "Yeah love, I might call Tucker over while you two are bonding." He says to me. "Okay." I give him a quick kiss and grab my keys on the way out. So much for calling Tucker, here he comes. He gets out of the car and so does Kaitlyn. They kiss then she asks if I'm ready. I ask her what we're doing and she says, "Getting makeovers. I've never had one or a sister to go with." I nod as we get into my car. She turns on the radio and sings along to Keyshia Cole, You. I smile slightly as she really gets into it. "Who was he K?" She turns it down with a sigh. "His name was Eli Michael Vincent. I met him when I was twelve. We were best friends until we turned 17. I had seen him go through girls like they were underwear. Something about him interest me enough to go to prom with him. He had convinced me he had changed. So anyways we go to prom and end up leaving after a few drinks and dances. Everyone seemed to be leaving as well. We got to the hotel and were watching tv until he said babe, knowing I'd look at him and when I did, he kissed me. I'm sure you know what comes next." I pull up to the mall and look over at her. "He didn't. Tell me he didn't." She slowly nods. "Yeah. He took my virginity and then when I woke up, He was gone with no note. I say in the middle of that bed for hours. He played me but after sitting there for so long, I knew what to do. I knew how to hurt him like he hurt me." "What did you do?" I ask her.  "Girl I got with his best friend then left him and fucked his brothers." "How many was that?!" I ask shocked. "Only two but it hit him hard. He tried talking to me and broke down crying and begging for another chance but I said no. I know you're wondering why I told Cameron I was a virgin then told you something else. The truth is, that's my step brother. I didn't want him looking at me like I'm a slut, so I lied. You however are a girl and even if you can't relate would understand." She tells me. I nod agreeing. "I totally understand. I might had done the same thing had it been me." She hugs me and thanks me as we get out and go into Rue 21. After a few dresses later, we head over to Victoria Secret. "K being in here won't make you feel uncomfortable will it?" I ask her. "No Aubrey. I think I'm almost sure about Tucker. He's only had two girlfriends and both were long term. He's sweet, caring and loyal. Do you think it's to soon?" She waits patiently for my answer, while looking at bras. "No I don't think it's to soon. Do you love him? Does he say he loves you and shows you? If your answer is yes and you feel you're ready, then that's all that matters." She gives me a small smile. "Yes. Now let's find something to tease out men with." We decide on similar pieces but hers is red and mine is blue and black. A few more stores later and we're at the hair salon. I look over at Kaitlyn and ask her, "So what are you thinking about doing?" "I'm thinking about red since it's Tucker's favorite color. You?" I smile and say, "I'm going blonde ombre cut into a Bob." She gasps. "Are you sure?! Your hair is so pretty and so long. Why not just get layers? I'm only getting mine cut to the middle of my back." I shake my head. "I can do this. I miss my sister K. She was a natural blonde and had a Bob awhile before times got tough with our parents. I remember it being my favorite hair style she's had. I feel like if I get this, I'll be closer to her, even though she's gone." Kaitlyn gives me a small smile and says to me, "Okay girl. I understand. I think your sister would like and appreciate that very much." She finishes and tells me she's going to Spencer's and to meet her there. A picture of before and after was needed. Before the lady started conditioning my hair, I took a selfie and sent it to Cameron.

Me: *Attachment*
Cam😍💙: Beautiful! 🌹
Me: Say goodbye
Cam😍💙: What do you mean?
Me: I'm chopping it off. I'll be a new me when I get home.
Can😍💙: You'll still look beautiful to me!😘
Me: I love you
Cam😍💙: And I love you
Me: Is she awake yet?
Cam😍💙: Not yet. Tucker and I are playing GTA.
Me: Okay babe. Let me know if she does before we get back. Your sister wants to take her for the rest of the day.
Cam😍💙: And night? Or just a few hours?
Me: All night.
Cam😍💙: Alright 😏

Gosh that man is a perv, but I love him. I shake my head mentally and pay for my service. I take a new selfie and send it to Kaitlyn, so she knows what I look like before meeting up with her. As I make my way over, I bump into someone's hard chest. "Sorry." I say and he smiles down at me. "See you around Aubrey." And with that the stranger was gone...

Author's Note: Sorry for the late update. Hope it was an okay one. Let me know what you think or who you think the strange guy was? Should they meet up again? Will there be drama?

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