Chapter 3- New Look

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Picture of Yasmine^^

Getting home, I ask my sister, "Do you think you can give me a make over?" She smiles and asks me, "Why? You're beautiful just the way you are." I sigh and tell her, "No Ruby I'm not. I don't feel beautiful. I wasn't blessed like you with good looks." She smiles and responds with, "No matter what you say, you're still pretty to me. Besides you got a nice body, I have no boobs or ass like you do." I laugh a little and she continues to say, "But if a make over is what you really want then let's go give you one. I hope you're up for anything and lots of shopping. I'll even have myself a haircut as well." "Are you sure sis? Your hair is long and pretty." I tell her. She nods, "Yeah little sister. I think it's time I do something different. Let's go!" Amelia is at our grandmother's on our dad side of the family, so we go to the hair salon. She tells the lady that will do my hair to take me a shade darker with highlights but no cut. As I'm having my hair dyed, she gets hers cut to her shoulders. She makes a joke about it. "Well Aubrey it seems I've lost weight again finally." I laugh at her and look in the mirror when the lady is finished. I like it! It's not much of a difference but you can definitely tell it isn't the exact same. We then go shopping for a new wardrobe. Ruby makes me model the clothes she picks out for me. I guess I tried on about fifty til she decides I have enough for now. She buys herself and Amelia a few bathing suits. I however couldn't decide between eight of the same style, halter top and shorts like, so I buy them all. Next Ruby takes me to Sephora since I've never been. She buys a lot for me and herself. I look at her skeptic and she tells me, "It's okay Bre, I'll help you with it." "Please teach me your ways!" I say back. By the time we finish and pick up Amelia it's 9 PM. Grandmother had fed her some Spaghetti O's for dinner and gave her a bath there. We go to bed after getting home and putting everything away. Morning comes quicker than it needed to. I take my shower and blow dry my hair. Ruby walks into my room yawning, "Go get dressed and I'll heat up the straightener." I nod and go to my closet. I decide on a black shirt that shows my stomach a little, high wasted black shorts and my new black heel boots. I walk back into my bathroom only for my sister to whistle at me and say, "Daaaamn Bre! You're going to turn heads today, no doubt." I blush and tell her, "No way! Should I change? I don't want to much attention" She smiles at me. "I understand but tell me who this Cameron boy is at school." She says to me. "WHAT?!" I shout. She laughs and tells me, "Yeah you talk in your sleep a lot actually but still not enough." I smack myself in the forehead and ask what all I said. She then tells me, "Well for starters you think he's really hot and like his abs, which I'm not sure how you know he has and he has good looking friends as well. You talked about him being cute with his own pencil, whatever that meant." I instantly blush remembering the day before. I tell her all about it, as she does my hair. "So he's been trying to get you to open up more everyday huh?" She questions me. I nod and she finishes the last strand of hair. She does my makeup. Then just as I grab my glasses, she snatches them out of my hands. SNAP! She breaks them in half and I shout, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!" She smiles and hands me contacts. I put them in carefully and stare at myself in the Mirror. I'm definitely the new girl now. I look way different but in a good way. I hug my sister then leave for school. When I get there, I see Cameron and Yasmine making out again. I low key wish it was me but oh well. I go straight to my locker quickly then to my class. Which ended up being a bore and second was with  Cameron again. I walk in just before the bell rings. Just as I sit down at my desk, Cameron says, "Sorry but that seat is taken already." I giggle and he looks at me carefully. His eyes about pop out of his head and he says, "Oh my God! Aubrey is that really you?!" I blush and nod taking out my journal. He says "okay.", while biting his bottom lip turning away. I hear his friend Tucker say, "But she's hot!" And his other Friend David agree. I look at Cameron and notice him getting red. He looks over to me and whispers, "Hey" I whisper a hi back and he asks me, "Do you by chance want to come to my party next Friday night?" I bite my lip softly and see him put his hand in his lap. I laugh a little and tell him, "I'd love to. Thanks Cam." He blushes again and turns away. What was that all about?! He's acting strange, the blushing and nervousness asking me stuff. I must figure out why and hopefully soon. Cameron is a mystery, that I must solve.

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