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Bella's eyes narrowed dangerously, something in her stomach turning and churning as she looked into blue eyes glinting with insanity. "So you were the spy."

Sloane grinned, and it was a sick, twisted thing. "Of course I was. The Millefiore are winning, and only a fool would ignore that." She spread out her arms as if to embrace the fiery backdrop. "I plan to win, to survive. If that means that we're on opposing sides, then... so be it."

Poison green eyes started to glow purple as Bellatrix's rage grew, her face twisting into a snarl of anger, pain, betrayal, and hate. "So, that's it, then? You're just going to spit on Freyja's sacrifice?" It was a low blow and Bella knew it, but she didn't want the last of her division, her family to leave, and especially not like this.

Sloane flinched before turning hate filled eyes to me. "Do you even know that the word actually means?" She drew her weapon, a long Bo staff with hidden blades at the ends. "Freyja didn't sacrifice herself, you killed her!" She flew at me, staff spinning from hand to hand, slicing where her neck would have been had Bellatrix not ducked. She wanted to kill her.

Green eyes darkened. "Member Nancy Greeneborough, Codename: Sloane, you have been found guilty of spying and passing on information for the Millefiore, our enemy, endangering innocents, and, above all, endangering our Home. The punishment for the aforementioned charges are as follows." Bella dodged and weaved around Sloane's furious slashes and stabs. "Spying and informing the enemy: fifteen years of Walpurgisnacht. Endangering innocents: additional twenty years. Endangering our Home," She slid behind Sloane, dagger in hand. "Death," she intoned, slicing along the carotid artery as her other hand held the traitor in place.

Bellatrix dispassionately watched as her former comrade collapsed and bled out, ignoring the pulling pain in her chest that told her that, despite all she had done, Sloane had still been one of hers. It was easier than she wanted it to be; pain was almost as constant as exhaustion these days. Bella did not waste time by mourning her (traitors did not get that privilege,) and dumped her body into the burning mansion, observing the way the flames twisted this way and that while staunchly ignoring the smell of charred flesh.

Snapping out of whatever reverie had descended upon her mind, she cursed as she heard the low thrup-thrup-thrup of helicopter blades and pulled out a phone.

"Hey, Levi A Than.... Yeah, the bug has been squashed," she cast a look back at the burning corpse. "Was a lot weaker than it let on, too... Yeah. I need pick-up.... You know that fox-hole I showed you in the woods? I'll be there. If I'm not there within twenty minutes from you, abandon it; clean it out, we can't use it anymore. See you, and, if I don't.... You've been a great conrade, if a bit too much puppy-like for Boss's tastes. Tone it down, chucklehead."

She ended the call before breaking the phone in half and throwing it into the flames as well. She walked away, never looking back at the remains of the woman who had once been her sister-in-arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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