| chapter four |

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The great hall was filled with chatter; the student's talking with joy in their eyes and happiness bubbling in their stomach. The four rows of tables were filled to the brim with food of all kind, each looking delicious. Right now was the dessert course, cakes of different flavours sat on many gold plates while various types of pastries slept in baskets.

"What to choose." Muttered Mackenzie as she gazed at all the desserts, drool forming in her mouth as her eyes jumped from one dessert to the next, her mind dazing as the different smells flew into her nose, filling her with a sense of happiness.

"Try these," Draco said, pushing a basket over to her. "They're delicious."

"What are they?" She asked as her eyes assessed the small cakes in the basket, her eyes picking up small crunches of nuts, mainly almonds.

"They're called Madeleines," Blaise answered, picking up one of the baked cookies on his plate, the treats aromatic fragrance overpowered every other scent that lingered in the room. Its delectable aroma pervaded the air- a melange of honeydew, orange preserves and dabs of crackling nuts.

So very tempting to grab and simply indulge in this decadent pleasure, or to merely inhale the gorgeous scent it emanated from its baked, warm depths. Taking the first bite, a delightful flavour flooded his mouth, and Blaise's senses basked in its delicious taste. There was a friable crunch, tangs of zest, pangs of acidity, all to coalesce to form a genuinely delightful dish- orange honey baked cookies.

"And these cookies are amazing." He said, devouring the rest. Mackenzie let out a laugh as some crumbs fell onto Pansy, who scrunched her face in disgust, wiping the crumbs off and shifting to the side slightly.

The buttery aroma of the Madeleines wafted tantalisingly under Mackenzie's nose, similar to the cartoonish beckoning finger of steam you'd often see on TV. She gratefully plucked a cake from the basket, wincing slightly from the still burning hot surface.

Giving it an experimental bite, she was surprised to find how easily the spongy layer gave way to teeth and nearly gasped when her taste buds practically sang under the tangy flavour it was assaulted under as lemon curd oozed into her mouth. Almost immediately it was followed up with a nutty crunch from what she could only guess were thinly sliced almonds. It was unlike anything she had ever tasted before. 

"I love this!" She exclaimed, her mouth full of food which muffled her statement and sounded like; "I lumph thimp!"

"What?" Asked Pansy as her brow furrowed as she gazed at the blonde. Mackenzie continued chewing the Madeleine before swallowing and repeating her sentence.

"I said I love this."

"Everyone does." Agreed Blaise as he popped one into his mouth, enjoying the taste of it as it almost melted in his mouth. "The elves here make the best food."

"You can say that again." Mackenzie agreed, and both he and herself continued to wolf down all the treats. Pansy scoffed and moved to sit with Draco, who sat in front of the three. "What a bunch of pigs."

"I agree."

All the students in the great hall continued to converse with each other, the food all vanishing as they all finished. The teachers sat at the table in the front, watching over. There were 12 teachers in total, two of which were new.

At the end of the table on the left - the table that turned verticle - was Professor Bathsheda Babbling, who taught the study of ancient runes. Next to her was Professor Aurora Sinistra, who taught Astronomy and is one of Mackenzie's favourite teachers because of her kind yet strict attitude and the fact that she also taught her favourite subject. Next to her was the head of Hufflepuff, Professor Pomona Sprout, who also taught Herbology.

At the end of the horizontal table, next to Professor Sprout, was the short teacher Professor Filius Flitwick, who taught charms and was also the head of Ravenclaw, Professor Flitwick was also the school's very first conductor of the frog choir.

Next to the half goblin and half wizard was Cuthbert Binn, who taught the history of magic, a boring class too many after the ghost was the newest teachers, who Mackenzie immediately caught sight when she entered the hall. After the two new female teachers were Headmistress Minerva McGonagall, who sat in a big gold chair that was plopped in the middle of the table.

By her side was Professor Horace Slughorn, who taught Positions and was Slytherin's head of the house and sitting by his side was Professor Rebus Hagrid, who taught Care of Magical Creatures and was also Hogwarts ground and keys keeper. Next to the half-giant was Sybill Trelawney, who taught Divination and to some, was mad. At the other end sat Madam Poppy Pomfrey, the school's nurse. At the other vertical table on the right was Charity Burbage, who taught muggle studies. Next to her was the final professor, Madame Rolanda Hooch, who taught flying lessons for the first years.

"Good Evening, students!" Headmistress McGonagall greeted the students with a kind smile. All the chatter silence as they looked towards the wise old teacher. "I would like to welcome two new teachers." Mackenzie rose a brow, her back straightening as she assessed the newest additions to the teachers.

The one that sat next to her had wavy blonde hair and soft doe brown eyes; her face was pale with high cheekbones and full, plump lips. She had curves in all the right places and looked very young, at least three years older than the Slytherin Lesbian.

The one that sat next to the blonde had pin straight dark brown hair and forest green eyes. She was a bit flat chested and didn't have a lot of curves, save from her arse. She had this mum look on her like she'd scold you at any time, but she'll also comfort you if needed.

"Please welcome Professor Mia Quinn." The newest teacher furthest to the headmistress stood up, her face sharp but eyes soft. The smile on her face made the women look less intimidating, and her forest green eyes held magic and wisdom. "She shall be taking over Transfiguration and will also be Gryffindor's head of house." The table next to Slytherin jumped up, applauses coming to form them as they cheered for their new head of house.

"Thank you." A small tint of pink rose to her cheeks before she sat down, slightly embarrassed. Headmistress McGonagall smiled warmly before she introduced the teacher that sat right next to her.

"And please welcome Professor Ava Beckett." The teacher furthest to the headmistress stood up, a kind smile dancing on her lips as her warm eyes scanned the room. "She shall be teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts."

"Thank you, Minerva." Her voice was soft and sweet almost like melting candy. The aura Professor Ava Beckett gave off was warm and homey, like she could vanish the darkness away. "I do hope we will all be good friends." With that, she sat down, the smile still on her face.

"I like her." Whispered Pansy to her friends. Mackenzie nodded, her thoughts running through her brain.

"She looks hot too." The dark haired girl let out a scoff and leant forward to slap Mackenzie while Draco and Blaise softly chuckled lightly. "What? It's true."

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