| chapter two |

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"We are here, Miss Mackenzie," Alfred announced as he parked the car in one of the VIP's parking spot at the station. The parking area was split into three areas. One for the people that worked there, one for the people using the station and one for the VIPs, the latter being quite small as the VIP's were very few.

"Thank you, Alfred." The witch's lips were pulled across her face, displaying a warm and genuine smile as her eyes held respect and love for her butler, who had been with the family for ages.

Alfred once belonged to an abusive family, who would mentally abuse the ageing man. He wasn't respected nor did her get any affection or TLC, as Mackenzie likes to call it.

Tender Loving Care.

Because of this, The Penny family swore that they'd protect the butler and treat him right because he always treated them right, even if they sided with the wrong people, at least, only Mackenzie and her mum.

Alfred believed and knew that the two were innocent and even vouched for them, her mother more when they were a trial. Mackenzie was known as a saviour since she did help to wipe out an entire army and because of this, she was given another chance along with her mother, however, the fathers of all the children were sent to Azkaban and because of this, they lived even happier, not having to be controlled by cruel and dark people.

Getting out of the dark colored car, Mackenzie tugged at her silk white blouse, pulling it down slightly before walking over to her trolley and pushing her way through the station with her best friend's at her side, the three emitting waves of confidence and power as the others cowered away, knowing not to mess with the four because one wrong move and the blonde in the middle would snap.

"Hey, look at that." Blaise and Draco turned to look in the direction of a ginger family. "It's the Weasley's." Mackenzie walked over, a broad grin on her lips as she saw a ginger-haired female looking back, her lips mirroring hers as they spread into a wide smile.

"Mackenzie!" Ginny called, waving her over. The said blonde pulled her into a hug, wrapping her arms around her petite waist, sending comfort through the said girl's body as she enjoyed the feeling of having someone close, wrapped in her arms.

The beauty enjoyed protecting rather than feeling protected. She liked to be dominant, and she liked to be in control. Mackenzie enjoyed being the first person to make a move or the first person for everything.

"Hello, Ginny." Ron glared at the Slytherin along with Harry. The two other Slytherin's just stood to the side awkwardly, and when Mackenzie saw Draco shuffling his feet in his spot, she knew just how uncomfortable they were. Clearing her throat, she kissed the ginger on the cheek, her lips warm against her cold freckles cheeks. Mackenzie leant down to whisper in Ginny's ears.

"I'll see you after dinner." She pressed a kiss to her lob, licking it gently before walking to the entrance, running through the wall with her best friend's following.

"What did she say to you?" Ron asked, his fury exploding as he grabbed hold of his sister. Ginny shrugged her shoulders, glaring at him before ripping her arm from his grasp.

"None of your business." She snapped before running through the wall to meet with her friends. Ron and Harry glanced at each other.

"What'd you think she told her?" Harry shrugged before a grin repacked his features as he saw his other best friend up ahead.

"'Mione!" He yelled, waving his arms in the air. The said brunette ran over with a big smile, wrapping the two in a big group hug.

"I've missed you." She mumbled into their necks as she hugs them for a long time. The two wrapped their arms around her, finding comfort in her warm presence.

"We've missed you too." They said before they let go and nudged her to the wall. "Now let's go, the others are waiting." With that, the three best friends ran through the wall, welcomed with open arms as they passed through the barrier.

"Hiya, Harry!"



"Look, it's Wesley !"


"Welcome back, Hermione!"

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