"He thought you were lying and were trying to get a piece of me and the band. I'm so so sorry Kate," he told her as he heard the hurt and pain in his own voice as he took another step up to her. "I missed so much with you, with our son, I missed you," he told her with a teary sigh.

"I tried and tried looking for you for, but I could never find you. You've been on my mind for the last five years and I wanted to find you so hard. I wanted to continue where we left off in Greece." he told her with a small shake of his head, not letting her stop him from talking as he took another step up to her.

"I was falling in love with you on that trip. Those four weeks were one of the best moments of my life. Hadn't I told you who I was, you wouldn't have known? You liked me for the person that I was and not what I do. I fell in love with you." He paused, taking the final step up to her as she leant against the car with her back, her head bent down, he standing right in front of her.

"And I know you fell in love with me too, I know you wouldn't have slept with me if you hadn't," he told her with a knowing tone as he reached out to take her hand in his and he watched tears gathering in her eyes as she lifted her head.

"Glen please?" she begged with a deep breath, shaking her head lightly. "What?" he asked her, taking both of her hands in his and they still felt as soft as they five years ago. He remembered those hands running over his body, gripping him and holding him.

Kate, on the other hand, was having more than a little internal battle. She had loved him, had fallen so hard that she'd never recovered from it. A small piece would always be in love with him no matter what. Was he telling her the truth? Should she listen to him? Let him explain to her? When he'd come to see her for the first time he never talked about a child, it had been strange when she thought about it afterwards. It had also brought up all the emotions that she had felt for him.

But looking into those blue eyes she'd come to love so much she could see only love and honesty in them and a lot of curiosity.

"I can't do this again Glen," she told him shaking her head as she fought the tears in her eyes. "You're right I fell in love with you. I trusted you," she told him with a hurt smile and shake of her head.

"And when I tried sending you a text at first I thought you were busy. Then I thought I had just been another notch on the Glen Power belt," she told him as she sighed softly.

"When I discovered I was pregnant I'd just moved here. And instead of being able to share it with the man I had fallen in love with, I was told you didn't want to talk to me," she told him and the hurt she must have felt at that point reflected in her eyes and voice.

"I was all alone here, pregnant, ill and new here despite the six month internship I had done," she told him as her vision cleared up, knowing she'd have to hurt herself again in order to protect her from the much bigger pain which was sure to come if she let him in.

"I can't let you in for you to leave afterwards. It isn't just me anymore. I have my son to think about as well." she told him, her shoulders feeling as heavy as the world lived on. After five years of hurting and doing things alone, it wasn't hard to imagine that she carried a lot of weight on them.

She'd never fallen out of love with him. Having seen him 3 times now in the last two days was hard enough as it was. having been made to believe that he'd never wanted them.

And now he's waltzing back in her life, breaking the walls she'd build around her heart to protect it. It was still in his hands though and seeing him reminded her of that. She still loved him, she still loved the person she'd fallen in love with. It didn't help that her, their son looked exactly like him either.

Unexpected turn of events (the script, Glen Power fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now