Introduction to Your Author

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... that is, if you are really reading this. I don't really expect to be noticed. Not really. There are too many authors on Wattpad, and many of them are much more talented and able than I. If you really want something to think about, and believe this piece of ultimate randomness can help you, I promise to do my very best to enlighten you. However, as many authors know, sometimes our writing doesn't turn out the way we wanted it to be. But that's okay, because imperfection is what makes us human. A wise man once said that. Probably.

Anyway, after that short piece of inspiration (did it get you thinking, because if it did I'm on the write track--pun totally intentioned), you probably want a real introduction. Or you skipped this. If you did, I totally understand. I usually skip author introductions too. But if you are taking the time to read this, I supposed I really should begin.

Salutions, reader. Online, I prefer to go by Snowman'sSong. The name involves a short story featuring me, a phone, and Crystal Snow by BTS, but that's a story for another time (no longer true XD it's witchs._brew now). I'm a teen currently in my eighth year of school, and I'm a musician, an amateur swimmer, and an amateur writer. I enjoy photography, sometimes, and like to travel. Flying, in my opinion, is one of the best things a man can do; a plane is the closest we'll probably ever get to being a bird. Unless, of course, someone invents a jetpack, or finds a way to mutate bird DNA into our own human DNA. Sort of like Maximum Ride. That would be cool, I admit, but it probably won't happen when I'm still young and easily excited. 

I have big dreams, big goals, and I hope to one day leave my mark on this world. My future could go two ways: the first is that I'll become some sort of engineer or scientist. If this happens, I hope to go to MIT, one of the top schools in the world for this sort of thing. The second path I could take is the creative one; becoming an author or a musician is included in this. In this case, I'd either try for Harvard or Julliard, depending on what I choose to do. Both of these paths have equal appeal. I really enjoy science and engineering because it's exploring the real world. Science helps us understand the world we live in, and the universe outside of this little bubble of survival we live on. Engineering helps us expand on what we've discovered through science, helping us to thrive and grow on this one-in-a-billion planet. However, I also enjoy the arts. Writing helps to express things we couldn't possibly explain through speech, and can create worlds we could only dream of being part of. I obviously wouldn't be writing this series of my thoughts if I didn't have a mutual love for writing. Music is also very important for me: I started piano at five and flute at eight, and have played ever since. If I end up feeling really passionate about it, I may focus the rest of my entire life on music. As it stands, I hope to do a double major: one for whatever I want to do, be it science, engineering, or writing, and another for music. Accompanists make a lot of money. 

I already know I don't want to have anything to do with politics. In my opinion, it's full of manipulation and deceit. Sure, it's important, but I'll let the people who actually want to do politics become the politicians. I'm also pretty sure I don't want to do anything involving entrepreneuring, because although I work fine with people I'm not very good with people in general. 

I'm a very versatile person, able to do well in many aspects (straight A student and just performed in Carnegie Hall last week). The only downside in my life, I think, is that I have a really small world. I didn't learn about the movie Frozen until it had been out for a few months, and I didn't even know who Donald Trump was until I heard my classmates talking about him in class, but I'm working on expanding it. I now know exactly who Kim Jong-un is, and I followed the destructive paths of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria this hurricane season. I know exactly what kind of damage they did, where they landed, and when. I still have work to do, but that's perfectly fine. We live to make mistakes and learn from them. How else do you think Apple and Pixar were created? I highly doubt they were created overnight, although with Steve Jobs you never know (seriously that guy is cool, but very unpredictable).

What I will put into this work is still unknown, blurry even to me. I suppose I'll just put down what I think is worth sharing: inspirational quotes I find online, short poems that have deep meaning, images I find that show more than any words can, ramblings I have sometime or the other, etc. Anything from a new comeback by my favorite kpop group to a random ad I see on the Weather Channel that day is fair game. The formatting is probably going to go something like this: If there's a poem, quote, or just something I want to say in the beginning, it will be at the top of the page, in italics, probably. Below it will be any thoughts I want to put, or some analysis or whatever. If what I decide to put is a rant, a rambling, or one-shot, it will just take up the page, and any title will be at the top, where the poem, quote, etc. would be. Somewhere in the chapter, I will put a dedication to show who or what inspired me for that chapter. At the end of it, I will write any comments that I have for this chapter, and I will also have my personal opinion of the question of the chapter, which I will explain to you shortly (unless it is an observation, rant, or rambling, in which I would have already explained my opinion).

Or, more of, right now.

I'll try to leave you a question at the end of each chapter, something for you to think about. It is, after all, the title of this piece of writing. What kind of writer would I be if I didn't try to write what I set out to write? 

Author's Notes: Disclaimer--This may very well be the longest chapter of this book. It isn't much, I know, but it isn't supposed to be. It's my first writing piece that I'm determined to finish, hopefully spanning the 365 days of 2018, so, fighting! If you could leave me an encouraging note, just to tell me what you think about what I've written, it would be greatly appreciated. Even one small note of encouragement can do wonders for someone's self esteem.

My Personal Opinion: If a writer doesn't at least attempt to finish what they set out to write, they're a lousy writer, and obviously not fit for the writing lifestyle. Authors and writers have to be motivated to finish what they started. Sure, it might not be perfect, and they might end up never finishing a writing piece, but at least they tried their best. The best authors spend hours on end in front of the computer, drafting and revising ideas into stories. If they didn't try to finish what they started, many of the bestsellers would never have been published.

Extra: I hope you liked the picture I put for this. It's one I took when in Toronto looking for Chinatown. It was snowing.

Written in 2018

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