Chapter 2: When Dora Eats Humans...

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"No! I will not help you find your stupid cupcake!" I yell at her, "why are you here, anyway? Shouldn't you be out exploring?"

"Shannon, don't be like that. She's not actually Dora The Explorer. She's just a nice, Spanish, badly-dressed girl, in need of some fashion help," Alice giggles. I know what this means; Alice loves giving people makeovers, so I'm not particularly surprised when she turns back to Dora and screams, "MAKEOVER!"

 "But... I don't want a makeover. I like my clothes just the way they are," Dora whines. She sounds so much like the TV show.

"Seriously, how old are you?" I ask, mostly sarcastically.

"I'm ten years old," Dora replies, "and I've already had a TV show, some movies and even a spin-off series based around my boyfriend, Diego. What have you done in your life?"

"That's it," I lunge at her. She's gotten on my last nerve. I tackle her to the floor, grabbing onto her hair, and tugging clumps out, while she kicks at my shins and bites at my arms. Then, something unthinkable happens. Dora opens her mouth wide, wider that her entire body, and encases me in it. In a moment, I am engulfed in Dora's giant mouth. It happens so fast, I don't even have time to move.

I had been swallowed by Dora The Explorer.

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