Chapter 6 - A Long, Long Way from Home

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Happy super-late-2017 all! I'm both happy and upset; happy because obvious, and upset because I wanted to completely finish this fanfic before 2018, but that's beside the point. When you read this, you're going to ask yourself, "Sara, why are you writing about this strange city? I've never heard of it before!"

Basically, the area that this chapter takes place in is actually a post-game area. You can only unlock it after beating the main storyline. So why are our main characters here? Basically, I really frickin' love this place; so much that I'm dedicating an entire chapter to here.

No, Venus is not an actual Mii in my game, nor is Priscilla a thing (as far as I know); I'm just changing stuff for story purposes.

Warning: I'm unsure if this constitutes as spoilers, you can decide for yourself, but to be safe, I would recommend that you wait until you beat the main storyline until you read this.


Chapter 6
A Long, Long Way from Home

Lisa had jolted awake in an unfamiliar place, only causing unneeded fear. The cold, hard ground that she was lying on was wet. Why was it wet? Oh, it was raining. That explained it. Lisa sat up, back sore from lying on concrete for an undetermined amount of time. The rain pelted her goggles; the sky eternally a dark, miserable grey, tainted by the storm clouds. Lisa's lab coat, once a snow white, was now stained by the mud and asphalt on the ground – she doubted it would ever truly be clean again.

Her teammates had lain limp around her; thankfully just unconscious. Lisa's surroundings burned her eyes; against the dark, melancholy atmosphere of the city, the acid bright advertisements and lights nearly blinded her. She could make out some of the things that they had printed on them, but the rest was all just a mesh of reds, blues and greens.

One by one, the other three came to, rain rushing down onto them. Eliza felt fear in the unknown world, but she felt better as she realized that she was with Lisa. However, she became afraid again as she saw Yeon; the memories of her outburst towards her were still fresh in her mind. Lisa hurried over to her best friend, asking if she was alright. Eliza smiled a bit and said she was, even though her head throbbed a bit.

"I've never been here before..." Lisa mumbled. "This isn't supposed to happen. Dark Lord Enigma was supposed to take Olivia's face, not spirit us away to a mysterious city –"

"Lisa, Lisa, calm down, it's going to be alright." Eliza reassured. "We're going to find our way out and defeat Dark Lord Enigma!"

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." A familiar girl snapped. Both Eliza's and Lisa's hearts sank as they realized that the girl was Yeon. She was shakily getting up to her feet, while holding Galleon's hand to get him up too. "This is all your fault, Eliza. You were the one who started all of this."

"W-what?!" Eliza gasped. "I-I didn't d-do anything! I don't understand!"

"You know what you did." Yeon snarled. Finally, Lisa had enough.

"STOP IT!" She shrieked, causing the both of them to turn to her. "We're not going to get anywhere by fighting, like in the Realm of the Fey. We need to stick together and find a way out."

"Yeah, Lisa's right." Galleon chimed in. "You guys're busy, goin' at each other's throats but we're still kind of lost in here." A low growl was emitted from Yeon's throat, but ultimately seemed to let it go for now.

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