Chapter 6

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I reached the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I got dressed put on my makeup and brushed my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror as i fiddled with my hair. As if it will stay in the position I put it in. I walked out of the bathroom finally aproving my outfit. I walked by Teddy's room to grab my bag. I looked at him while he glared at me with hatred in his eyes. He grabbed some of the debre of our pillow fight and stuffing it in a trash bag with attitude. I rolled my eyes and while mocking a him throwing a tempertantrum.

I walked downstairs and grabbed and apple,

"Have a nice day, Dear!" Mrs. White yelled before I walked out the door. I walked to my house to go grab my car keys. I opened the front door, and peeked my head inside.

"MOM!" I yelled but I heard no response. Of course my Mom is gone. She is probably at work or with one of her "boyfriends". I always enjoyed going to Teddy's house mostly because his house always felt like a second home to me, actually more like I live there. When I'm at home I'm usually alone, but because Teddy's dad is at work and his Mom is a stay at home. I can go there and have Teddy and his Mom as company.

I run upstairs to grab my key. I walk into my room, lay on my bed for a while. I soon start to ponder what it would be like to have a Dad. So instead of just my Mom bringing in money and working 2 shifts just to pay the bills. She would have someone to help her and not just money wise but also emotionally. I see the way my Mom throws herself at guys. I think its because she is lonely and really needs the love and support that I cant give her.

I sigh, grab my car keys and head downstairs. I got to my car and open the door. I look up at Teddy's bedroom window. He sees and starts to glares at me, still clearly mad about what happened this morning. I laugh at him and mock him with a pouty face. He flips me off and I flip him back.

"I LOVE YOU!" I yell at him while getting in my car,

"I HATE YOU!" He yells back, I giggle and then start my car.

I start to drive to the God forsaken place I call school. I look at the school with a scowl, knowing that soon I'm gonna have to face Collin. I really don't want to fake date him. I'm gonna have to keep my walls up, especially because I don't want to "fall" for him. I have no idea how I will get him to fall for me. I am literally a potato with arms and legs. I grab my bag and start walking to school. My thoughts are interrupted with an arm over my shoulder. Now I'm scowling even more. I look up to see The devil himself.

"What the hell do you want from me?" I growl,

"Aw your like a little kitten trying to be a big tiger." he smirks, I really hate his smirks especially because his dimples become more defined. I threw his arm off my shoulder and continue to class. He soon rushes back to my side trying to walk in sync with me. I roll my eyes,
"So how are we gonna do this whole thing?" I asked,
"Well If you want I can take you out on a date so everyone thinks that were just now going out." He says thinking it over,
"Whatever I just want to get this over with." I say then speed up my pace,
"Ok so.. I will pick you up at 6 then?"
He asked,
"I guess so." I say then walk into my class.
After my first few classes I finally get to go to lunch, which kinda sucks but at the same time is good. I don't have a lot of friends except for Teddy. I thinks it's because I don't talk to anyone, I just try and stay clear of people for as long as possible. Besides there are a lot of fake people at my school.
I decide that I'm not gonna eat in the lunch room and instead walk to the field. I find my tree, sit down, and take out my book. After about 15 mins of intense reading I feel something on my back. I freeze in place. It starts to move, going up my back onto my neck. I look around and-
"AGHHHHH" I scream jump up and start to run. I soon hear someone behind me,
"Catalina!" Colin yells,
I turn around and breath finally realizing what just happened. He catches up to me and puts his hand on my back,
"You ok?" He says in between laughter,

"No I just ran for dear life because your ugly hideous face scared the crap outta me!!" I yell.  I slap his chest while he laughs,
"Your such an idiot!" I yell over my shoulder while I run back to my bag. He catches up of course pfff him and his fitness.
"Sorry you were sitting alone and with your back turned I just couldn't help myself,"
He says giving me is most innocent look,
"So why were you sitting alone? Don't you have any friends?" He asks,
I look down because I kinda suck at conversations and I also don't know how to answer that question,
"So you don't have friends?" He ask,
"Of course I have friends but it's more like a friend and he is in college." I say rolling my eyes,
"You only have 1? And it's a guy?" He asks,
"Well yea, I kinda suck at socializing so I have never been able to make friends. The only reasons I'm his friend is because we were friends since babyhood." I answer. When is gonna stop with the questions, and as just like my prayer was answered the bell ring telling us lunch was over. I quickly say goodbye and grab my bag.
Hey guys how are all of you doing? Sorry I haven't updated my studies and family kinda get in the way. I know that not a lot of people read my book so for the ones that stuck around, thank you! Comment and vote so I know I got a few readers. Also if there are things you want me to change or add I would more than happy too♥️♥️ have a nice day! I don't get a lot of reads and that doesn't matter writing is a hobbie of mine and I wouldn't mind doing it in the future. 

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