"Lets do it later in life though....we just reunited today ya know" Jungkook made a point and Jimin agreed, No matter how hard he got around Kookie, He had to control himself

"Oh one more thing! Can I have your number?" Jimin asked and  Jungkook smiled

"Of course, Hyung"


6:00pm, Jungkook woke up to the sound of someone spamming his phone. But he didn't wanna leave....Jimins arms were so warm
"Jimin" The younger whispered and Jimin fluttered his eyes opened and smiled briefly

"Kookie" Jimin said and pecked his forehead "What's up?"

"Someone was spamming my phone so I need to check it really quick" Jungkook said and got out his phone, getting out of the olders  arms

9 messages from: Bae💕

Bae💕: Hey baby, I am at your house early, Where are you?

Bae💕: Jin told me you are at a friends house

Bae💕: Who are you with?

Bae💕: Is it a girl?

Bae💕: Seriously, Who the hell are you with??

Bae💕: If your with a boy, please send me selca

Bae💕: Sorry I got here a little bit earlier, I just can't wait to cuddle with my Kookie 🙄

Bae💕: Kookkiieee

Bae💕: Kookie oppa please come here and cuddle me 😭💖

Jungkook rolled his eyes and put his phone in his pocket, getting up from the bed and grabbing his bag"Wait Kookie what are you doing?" Jimin said sadly and got up as well

"I am sorry Jiminie" Jungkook pouted "Jennie is already at my house and she wants me to.....you know. I am sorry"

Jimin hugged Jungkook and sighed "Okay Kooks...Oh!! We have to cover up those marks I made on you"

"Oh yeah that's right"

Jimin went into the bathroom that was right next to his room and he found some foundation to put on Jungkook "Perfect, the color suits you amazingly" Jimin said and applied the liquid makeup on Jungkooks neck and jawline

"Ow Jimin it hurts!" Jungkook complained

"Oh Kookie....Your so sensitive, Dont worry, she doesn't....touch you right?"

Jungkook sighed "We....we kiss, And hug of course...."

"Ahh Yeah I.......Okay" Jimin put the make up away

"Okay well I'll see you Tommrow Jimin" Jungkook said almost leaving but Jimin spoke up

"Wait....I am so sorry Kooks I didn't mean to leave marks on you and to kiss you while we were in a classroo--" Jungkook interrupted Jimins sentence by smashing his lips onto the olders Jimin kissed him back right away and he wrapped his arm around Jungkooks waist

After a few minutes of sharing their love, they parted and Jungkook smiled "I kinda enjoyed it, Your lips are way softer then Jennies anyways"

Jimin laughed "I guess so"


"Kookie!!!" Jennie screamed a little while opening the door to see Jungkook and she hugged him tightly "I missed you so much, you weren't answering my texts! Who were you with?"

Jungkook chuckled and said "I was with a friend....No, it wasn't a girl, it was a boy"

"What was his name?" Jennie said, looking up at Jungkook

"Oh.....I...I forgot sorry, please let me in, it's cold out here" Jungkook chuckled and Jennie let him in

"Hey Jungkook! How was you and your friend? Does he understand the topics more easily?" Jin asked while giving the younger a quick hug

"H...He is still having trouble, I need to help him more so I think I'll be going over to his house for the rest of the month after school" Jungkook shrugged

"Oh...Can I at least get his name?"

"I am sorry..... I don't remember, I will tommrow though, I promise"

"Well....Okay Kookie, Alright, I'll leave you and Jennie alone for a bit while I go out and buy some more presents for the neighborhood, I'll be back" Jin said and left the house, Leaving the couple alone

"So" Jennie sat Jungkook down, actually more like pushed him on the sofa and she sat on his lap, Rubbing his thighs "Would you like to show people I am yours by giving your baby girl marks?"

Jungkook shook his head, But at the same, She was making him hard by rubbing his thighs.... "I...I don't know how, Jennie"

Jennie laughed "Your so cute, I do know how so" She then started to lick Jungkooks neck......

Jungkook gasped because he was scared the makeup was gonna come off, He instantly got up, not really carring he just dropped his girlfriend on the floor
"N....no. I am not ready, your only 16, I am not marking you" Jungkook commanded

Jennie got up from the floor and squinted her eyes at her boyfriends neck "why does your neck look splotchy Kookie....?"

"Um....Um....I...--" Jennie then kissed her boyfriend and wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer. Jungkook pulled away fast, Feeling guilty that Jimin marked him and he was hiding it from his own girlfriend

"Jungkook what is wrong with you today?? You normally let me Sudece you and stuff but your not letting me do anything"

"Umm....C-Can we just...cuddle today instead?"

Jennie smiled "We can"
Jungkook led Jennie to his room and Jungkook cuddled his girlfriend to his chest, This felt weird to the 17 year old boy....Normally he is the one being cuddled...

Beautiful Christmas day [A Jikook Christmas story] Where stories live. Discover now